The latest “2010-2011 Chinese game market research report” said that the current online gaming market has entered a period of adjustment. The report notes that the domestic market since there is free online game after game, for a very long time sustained high growth, but with the market’s high impulsiveness, serious operation, and development are not balanced, heavy and light R & D operations between the trend to lose the game works attractive to users. This phenomenon was caused by the contradictions in this year’s online games gradually beginning to appear, and the outbreak began in the last two years.

Clear Research Center study analysis, after 2008, rapid growth, China’s online game market seems to be having difficulty sustaining high growth. There are three main reasons: First, the homogenization of a serious game, the game is difficult enough innovation to attract users; Second, the domestic online game market has taken shape, earnings growth slows, new growth points and room for growth still need time to develop (such as Chinese game to enter the overseas market); third is talent shortage, especially in online game operator in the talent shortage and the loss is more serious, constrained the development of Chinese online game market.

In addition, the Clear Research Center report also shows that due to slowing market growth in online games, the online games market in 2010, venture capital also slowed down the case. According to incomplete data, in 2010, China’s Internet market has been disclosed in the investment case for 137, of which the most active investors in the e-commerce market, the disclosure of investment deals accounted for 45.99%; and online games, the total number of investment cases ratio of 18.25%, and 2008, compared to the proportion of the number of cases decreased.

In this regard, a U.S. listed online gaming company responsible to the “Economic Information Daily” correspondent said that at present the overall development of the domestic online game industry is slowing down, and in 2007, compared to 2008, the profitability of many companies have emerged a significant decline.

The person that created the current status of the online games market there is two main reasons: First, the network games market structure has taken shape, especially the higher-margin fee game market has basically been several large-scale domestic online game companies are monopolies, very earth pressure on the development of small and medium companies; the second is the phenomenon of apparent homogeneity online games, game themes and either way or the profitability of the game modes and operations, online games already on the market have a high degree of convergence, which resulted in the game less attractive to users.

The market will benefit from the game and players have increased

U.S. investment firm T hinkEquity analyst pointed out that the Chinese online game market will continue to benefit from growth in both games and players.

N ikoPartners market research data show that in the Chinese online game industry revenue is expected to reach $ 5.8 billion, up 21%; the partner Si Hansen that Chinese online game market is still growing absolute number of players will help drive the games industry as a whole.

Hansen pointed out that with China’s accelerating urbanization, population, network infrastructure, especially broadband services will further popularize the Chinese online game market is still great potential for development.

The industry believes that, after a few years ago, after fierce competition, the mainstream online game companies have occupied a relatively stable market share, future business strategy will be adjusted, will seize the market into the market to get more from existing profits.

This means that game makers will make a fuss about the games. Once the game improves the quality, will attract more users, will encourage users to spend more time in the game and money, and will lead the online gaming firm’s profit growth.

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New Opportunities for New Areas

In the interview, insiders and analysts to the “Economic Information Daily” reporters, said social networking sites and the rapid development of mobile Internet, will provide a new online game development platform, the future of the online game market is expected to become a new development opportunity.

“2010 China Web Game Survey” data, web-based social networking site the rapid development of the game mid-2010, the number of users has exceeded the 100 million mark over the same period large stand-alone web games and only 37.91 million and the number of users 23.84 million.

At the same time, the data also showed that users of social networking sites use the game as high as 87.7%; the “2010 China Online Game Market Annual Report” show in 2010, the domestic mobile online games market of 26 billion yuan, a growth rate of 40.7%.

In this regard, some experts said that although the mobile Internet gaming market is small, the pace of development has improved dramatically, I believe that with further improvement in the domestic network environment and the reduction in mobile tariffs, the mobile internet gaming market will be a blowout.

Engaged in social network game development company responsible to the “Economic Information Daily” reporters, the browser as the universal client network applications, both for the user to use various types of network applications or for companies to develop Web applications and business models to build, the gaming client than the more flexible, more convenient, lower cost long term.

The rise of social networking sites, user circle through relationships, and improve customer appeal, while the game offers traditional online games do not have the interaction. Therefore, social networking sites and web games combined with the online game have brought new vitality.

For games and mobile social networking sites the rapid growth of Internet gaming, many online game companies have been aware of and expanded their operation. Has been engaged in a traditional online game development company’s CEO to the “Economic Information Daily” reporters, said the company on social networking sites and mobile games are very optimistic about the prospect of Internet gaming and has adjusted the company’s strategy, developed and launched this year will the corresponding game.

The CEO said that before the introduction of a social networking site games, a fun network, all networks and other social networking sites formally launched, the rising number of users, in addition to advertising revenue, the corresponding value-added services also made good profits.

The CEO further said that mobile Internet games have been quite successful cases, such as the “Pearl of the three countries” and the mobile version of the “Three Killed.” With the movement of social networking sites, our initial game plan is to social networking sites, cell phones, and other mobile terminals, first to train users, and so this market further matures and then launched a targeted original game.

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