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Complicated Structure Sentence’s Translation Method

/ in Blog / by joanna
We usually see many long English sentences in the press, famous works and some other articles. There are twenty or thirty words, even forty words in one sentence, which will…

Affirmation and Negation-2

/ in Blog / by joanna
Some preposition could be omitted during translation, but some affirmative words should be translated into target language in negative way, including above, beyond, instead of, beneath, bedside, far from, below…

Affirmation and Negation-1

/ in Blog / by joanna
As to the expressing way, English and Chinese language have their own special style, regardless of the semantics, vocabulary, grammar, idioms or the rhetoric, so there are much big differences…

Predicate Transform

/ in Blog / by joanna
Besides subjects, we also select the predicates for those sentences without obviously predicates. We use the conjunctions to express the paratactic and time relations. For example: 1) 他既不爱他也不恨她 He neither…

Subject Transform during translation-Ⅲ

/ in Blog / by joanna
(三)Implement of subject. It is common in English that there are no subjects or obvious subjects, so we should add the subject in the translation accordingly. 1). 今年四月,我到广东从化温泉小住了几天。四周是山,环抱着一潭春水,那又浓又翠的景色,简直是一副青绿山水画。 刚去的当晚,是个阴天,偶尔倚着楼窗一望:奇怪啊,怎么楼前凭空涌起那么多黑黝黝的小山。 Last…

Subject Transform during translation-Ⅱ

/ in Blog / by joanna
B. Codes of language We should make sure the subject be consistent the codes of English language. For example: 1). 犯人是如何逃跑的一直是个谜。 It has been a mystery how the prisoner escaped.…

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