As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, we have better opportunities to avail. One such opportunity is increased profits, reach, and better communication through localization. Now you can localize anything be it a website, business, book, games, movies, or software, and the list can go on for a while, so you get the picture.

Today, our focus is on the localization of mobile apps. It plays a huge role in the mobile application industry. There are countless examples that show us just how powerful localization can be in making your app more popular.

Large corporations and companies such as Google, Microsoft, Meta, etc., all have well localization strategies. A major reason why these companies went on to become pioneers, trendsetters, and entities that are nearly impossible to ignore. Take the example of Google Maps or Facebook, both applications are localized based on region. Moreover, the quality of localization is so good that the applications never feel foreign-made.

Table of Content

  1. The Benefits of Localization

    1. Empowers a Better User Experience
    2. Increase in Market Reach

    3. Better User Experience and Ratings
    4. Increase in Revenue
    5. Compliance with Local Laws
  2. Some Examples of Localized Applications

    1. Whatsapp
    2. Netflix

    3. Google Maps
    4. Airbnb
    5. TikTok
  3. Key Takeaways

The Benefits of Localization

As borders begin to transgress, we see localization become more common. So what are the benefits of localization? Why do companies all utilize it regularly? And how can localization benefit mobile app development?  Keep reading to find out.

Empowers a Better User Experience

Google Maps is available in more than 70 languages, Facebook is available in more than 100 languages, and WhatsApp is available in more than 60 languages. I can give you countless more examples, but the point of the matter is that all the above mentioned mobile applications are global giants and a major reason for that success is a good strategy. You see, localization goes beyond just language.

The way you market your product based on audiences, how you develop the UI/UX, and through many more changes, how you are able to resonate with various audiences determines the success of your localization. For this reason, large corporations hire app localization services. Such companies advise, strategize, and execute long-term strategies that enrich the user experience.

Increase in Market Reach

Mobile applications are either downloaded directly from the website or the Play or App Store. Such applications are visible based on SEO strategy and relevancy. A major part of that is localization including language, regular updates, content, and more. Hence, when you localize you make yourself more likely to show up on search engines and such stores. For instance, if you localized your mobile application for Latin America your application should be available in Spanish, have the right currency symbols, date formats, the written description in Spanish, and more.

When you complete such metrics your mobile app is more likely to show up in Latin American search engines. The same goes for Chinese markets, Indian markets, and more. This form of localization is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and App Store Optimization (ASO). Simply put, localizing your app helps improve its reach and your app can gain global recognition.

Better User Experience and Ratings

Imagine you live in a foreign country such as India or Vietnam, for instance. You are not receiving any formal education, but you are street-smart. So you do not understand English, but at the same time, you do use a smartphone. So what applications are you more likely to use? Ones that are in your native tongue or a foreign one?

Let’s give an example you can do right now. Just change your mobile phone language from English to Chinese and restart it. You will have a very difficult time navigating your mobile device now. Well, this is exactly how many users feel. This confusion is why people prefer to use applications native to them. Moreover, this is the reason major app developers utilize multilingual solutions.

Localization removes the hurdles that may come your mobile app user’s way. Hence making the mobile app more user-friendly and accessible. This leads to user retention, better user reviews, and more users overall.

Increase in Revenue

A bigger user base and more user engagement is a formula for success. Mobile applications usually earn money from AdSense, in-app purchases, subscriptions, or some other form of monetization strategy, it really depends on the business model. But better engagement translates to an increase in profits. Take the example of Uber Eats, the more people who order food from the app, the more profit Uber stands to make. The same can be said for Netflix subscriptions, Facebook ads, and more. Localization helps make you a global player and this translates to better monetization opportunities.

Compliance with Local Laws

There are various regions over the world that have specific legal requirements such as data privacy, content regulations, language requirements, and more. When you localize your application from professionals, you get consultation, and they help you ensure compliance with the local laws. Hence, localization is a proactive approach that not only helps you curb market gaps but also helps you avoid potential legal issues.

Some Examples of Localized Applications

It is always a good idea to see what the market is up to when deciding on a change in your business. Moreover, it is better to look at applications of a similar nature. Here are a few examples of localized applications.


Arguably the most popular messenger application in the world right now. Whatsapp is available in more than 60 languages and users can change the background to their liking. The interface, symbols, and features are all localized for various cultural preferences.


The streaming giant has mastered the art of localization. You can watch shows in over 62 languages, which makes Netflix accessible to a vast audience. Netflix regularly uses localized subbing and dubbing to make its shows universal. Moreover, Netflix also produces localized original shows to target various audiences.

Google Maps

The default setting ensures that you get information in your preferred language as soon as you download the application. Even the voice features various language choices. You also have the choice of adjusting the UI to your preferences. Moreover, you can change the language manually if you wish.


There are many rental websites, but none compare to the heights Airbnb has. The application and website are fully localized this includes languages, payment methods, symbols, and the user interface. Even the social media logins and search filter recommendations are updated. The company also looks at location trends, for instance, Asian users prefer group travel, and accommodation listings are prioritized in that manner.


Currently, the most popular social application among the younger generation. TikTok offers a multilingual interface with over 75 supported languages. It uses algorithms to perfectly understand user location and preferences. Trends, hashtags, and more are visible according to location. The application feels familiar and user-friendly in various regions

Key Takeaways

The benefits and examples effectively show how localization goes beyond simple language translations. There are various aspects to be wary of and adaption is the key to engaging various audiences. By utilizing various localization strategies developers can make applications that are more engaging, creative, and successful for various industries. This in turn will significantly increase user engagement, downloads, profits, and the application’s general success.

If you want to go global with your mobile app, CCJK is your go-to choice for app localization. We have the tools, expertise, and experience needed to localize your app in 230+ languages. We ensure your app provides a better, localized user experience to the global audience. Get in touch for a free quote now!