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One PM is responsible for some specified languages

/ in Blog / by Catherine
This week I was responsible for 19 kinds of languages. In the beginning, when I accepted the project, found that there were 38 kinds of languages, including Serbian, Russian, Romanian…

To Control Project Cost

/ in Blog / by Catherine
PM is responsible for assigning projects to translators and editors, as well as “bargaining” with them. I think it is an interesting thing. When sales person hands in projects to…

To be more effective and good in my position

/ in Blog / by Catherine
It has been one month since I entered this company. In the beginning, I was told how to use BO to record translation projects, not by person, but by reading…


/ in Boke / by Catherine
PM在其他公司,可能是一个很让人羡慕的工作,但是在CCJK的的确确是个大忙人,每天接单、找译员、找编辑、跟进、汇总,每天都忙得不亦乐乎。 这些工作中最痛苦的是找译员 找译员中最痛苦的是找外包的译员 痛苦一:外包译员很多,但是合适并且有时间的不多,犹如大海捞针 痛苦二:外包译员来处众多,有的来自其他公司,有的是自由译员,因为我们同外 包译员没有强制的约束关系,所以管理这些译员特别困难。我们很难保障他们什么时候开始处理,尤其是没法保障在交付的时间点能够按时交付。甚至有些时候,已经到了交付时间点,译员突然回复说他们处理不了这个翻译项目了,这样会导致我们的工作徒增很大的风险。 这些问题我们要怎么应对呢,总不能听之任之,每天的工作都处于未知数之中吧。 想来想去,觉得下面几件事情我们还是可以尝试尝试的: 1.不断完善公司的人才储备库,把曾经有过工作交往外包人员全部都记录下来,包括人员的联系方式、公司单位、工作主管联系方式等。 2.建立人员的诚信档案,后面工作上的合作,优先联系诚信级别高的译员,如果最终联系上的是诚信级别不高的译员,PM需要提高风险级别。 3.对于所有的外包译员,PM都需要提高跟进级别。在工作分配的同时,一定要清晰说明工作的内容、要求和交付时间。并要求译员在一定时间内启动翻译工作,然后PM需要定时跟进进展,实时识别风险,一旦出现较大风险,必须立即联系外包译员的主管找人协助解决。如果有条件可以另找译员协助处理。 PM的职责就是协调各方资源,确保译稿按时高质交付! 如果逐步改善对外包人员的管理,更加合理配置公司的人力资源,那么PM协调资源、跟进进度、识别和处理风险等工作就能更顺畅一些,更高效一些,那我们就能跟进更多的CCJK单,更好地工作。

Do More Influent English Translations

/ in Blog / by Catherine
Microsoft Office Word 2007 is more and more popular among people. However, many companies still use Microsoft Office Word 2003 edition to do their jobs. My previous job was to…

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