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Interesting English translation(Ⅱ)

/ in Blog / by siina
Down-to-earth. 平易近人,不摆架子。 It’s very important for people about the relationship. So in all kinds of human’s languages, there are abundant words and phrases to describe our personalities. We usually say…

Interesting English translation(Ⅰ)

/ in Blog / by siina
Give me a break! 你得了吧。 Human being is a kind of strange animal. According to the statistics of the USA, there are about more than 300 sentences are telling a…

No need using “Don’t” to express “Forbidden”

/ in Blog / by siina
It is similar with Chinese that there are many different ways to express the same meaning in English. The difference of expressing depends on different mood manner of speaking and…

Introduction of Korean (3)

/ in Blog / by siina
The contraction rules for the combination of vowels and vowels, which are summarized as follows: In the syntax of Korean, there is special contraction rule for the words, the suffix…

Introduction of Korean characters(二)

/ in Blog / by siina
Korean is one kind of phonetic languages, which is made up by basic vowels (vowels), basic Twin Tone (consonants), double vowels (vowels), double Twin Tone (consonants) and the suffix. Consonants…

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