Danish Translation

Danish Language Culture

Danish is the official language of Denmark, one of two official languages (the other is Greenlandic) in Greenland, one of the two official languages (the other is Faeroese) in Faroe Islands. In addition, there are small groups speak Danish in the Schleswig border region of Germany and Denmark. Spoken Danish in Schleswig region has officially recognized as one of Germany’s regional languages by the German government, and be subjected by government protection.

Denmark, a small country, but the difference in language is not small. In western and northern Jutland rural areas, people speak more calm, carefully wording, accent is quite different from the official language of Denmark. But people in Copenhagen is different, they speak fast, straightforward, sometime even surprisingly frank.

If a Danish city people do not like your hair, clothing, or your behavior, he will unabashedly speak up. Correspondingly, Danes do not usually get angry with frankness of other people, they call a spade a spade, there is no problems in pride to be hurt or lose face, it is the spoken way of Danish people in the big city.

Danish taught in schools is called “writing Danish”, which is a more formal and rigorous form, mainly using in the big cities.

Danish Learning:

After learning about the Danish language culture, let’s look at some Danish basic phrases.

Note: / b /, / d / and / g / is not pronounced; / p /, / t / and / k / pronunciation is closer to [b], [tʃ] and [g].

“Danish”: dansk

“Hello”: hej

“Goodbye”: farvel

“Thank you”: tak

“this”: denne

“How much?”: Hvor meget?

“English”: engelsk

“Yes”: ja

“no”: nej

“I can take a picture for you?”: Må jeg tage et billede af dig?

“Where is the bathroom?”: Hvor er toilettet?

“Where are you from?”: Hvor kommer du fra?

“you speak English?”: Taler du engelsk?

Danish Translation

Our company selected the most appropriate translators for each project based on customer’s all kinds of special needs, furthermore quality tracking throughout the Danish translation process.

Relying on the strict Danish translation quality control system, standardized Danish translation operational process and unique Danish translation services standards, we have provided high-quality services to individuals and all types of companies ranging from small businesses ,institutions, well-known organizations and global companies to Fortune 500 companies around the world.  we have signed long-term Danish translation services cooperation agreements with many famous Companies.

We work nationwide and worldwide.

Our Danish Translator

Our Danish translation project team members have deep understanding on the development of the industry, terminology and professional terms, etc.

They are able to use the most suitable phrase and sentences to meet your special needs with excellent organizational and communication skills on Danish Translation.

Most of our Danish language translators have been worked or studied in Britain and the U.S., hence, they are qualified for most Danish translation jobs. We only contract with those native Danish translators who studies language translation during their colleges with at least Bachelor’ degree and most of them are post-graduate, even PHD in the corresponding fields. Besides, our Danish Translators have been tested by senior Danish translators with 10 years Danish translation experience.

Our company is committed to provide each client with the high-quality Danish translation and localization services all the time.

Danish Translation Service

We deal with any type of documents you may need to translate into Danish.

Areas of Danish translation expertise:

Medical & Health Danish Translation Services

Technology & Engineering Danish Translation

Finance & Banking Danish Translation

Manufacturing Danish Translation

Food & Agriculture Danish Translation

Personal Document Danish Translation

Law & Litigation Support Danish Translation

Automotive & Aerospace Danish Translation

If at any stage you’d like to talk, please call or email us – we’re always looking forward to hearing from you!

Read Also: Danish Language Translation