There are some Chinese food that most of Korean can’t eat. If you invite them to have a try with they maybe they will reject your kindness in a manner way.
Most of my Korean friends can’t eat caraway. They told me that not only them, but also most of all the Korean people can’t eat it, either. Because they think that caraway’s smell and taste both are so strange that they can’t bear eating it.
So if you go to have meals with Korean people in restaurants, you must ask them if they can eat caraway, if they answer “no.”, you must tell the waiters not to put the caraway into the dishes.
Also, there is another food that Korean can’t eat. That is pepper. As we Chinese people all know that the pepper will make the dishes tasted much more delicious and we like it very much. But Korean don’t think like that.
Maybe if they can get used to pepper, maybe they will like it, too. But of course Chinese foods is greasier and have more quelite than Korean ones. Especially, the Sichuan foods. Very greasy and spicy. But delicious. Dietary habit also is one of national cultures.
Read Also: Menu translation and localization
제가 아는 한국사람들중 대부분 중국향채를 잘 먹을 수 없다고 해요.
냄새가 안 좋고 맛도 이생하다고 하셨어요.
식당에서 음식을 시킬때 식당아가씨한테
향채를 넣지 말라고 부탁해야되요.
그리고 또 하나 한구사람들이 못 먹은 음식이 있어요.
그것은 산초 나무 열매예요.
중국사람은 요리를 하며 요리에 산초 나무 열매로 조미료를
넣은 것을 좋아해요.
그렇게 하면 요리가 더 맛있어 질거라고 생각해요.
사실도 그래요.
한구친구는 산초 나무 열매의 입마를 익어졌으면
산초 나무 열매를 좋아해요.
어째든 중국요리는 한국요리보다 끼름과 조미료를 많이 넣어죠!
특긱 사천음식말이에요.
너무 느끼고 매워요! 근데 너무 맛이네요!
먹는것도 민조습관이에요.
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