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Lao Language Translation

/ in Blog / by liz
CCJK is a professional localization company that can provide all kinds of translation services for you, from generally widely used languages to languages that are limited to certain countries. Lao…

How to do Business with Turkish People

/ in Blog / by james
Introduction to the Turkish language Turkish is a very ancient language and belongs to the Altaic branch of the Ural-Altaic family of languages. The Turks were one of many linguistic…


/ in Blog / by simon
这个星期认真看了一下HTML5教程,发现在国内HTML5的教程资料甚少,只能硬着头皮看了一些国外的资料。感触很深,国外的资料很多而且很详细,推荐大家多看看国外的资料。好了,不多说了,开始写这个星期的心得了。 HTML5主要特性在于以下几方面: 1) canvas 2) video 3) geolocation 4) app cache & database 5) worker HTML5中主要新增加的元素是: 1) header 2) footer 3) section 4) article 5) aside 6) nav 7) figure…

My Spain tour

/ in Blog / by david
I like traveling, and Spain is one of my favourite countries. I went to Spain with my friends two years ago; before going to there, we found a young lady…


/ in Blog / by sophie
在HTML页面里写上js代码 然后在FLASH里调用 下面是一个详细的步骤: 1. 将"Get URL"指令指派至某个按钮或关键帧 2. 在"URL"空白栏中填入打开新窗口的URL链接,将下列信息正确地填入空白栏内 javascript: openNewWindow('abc.html','thewin','height=400,width=400, toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes') 3. 选择"File"(文件)>"Publish Settings"(发布设置) 4. 选择"Formats"(格式)一栏,将"Flash"和"HTML"两选项选中 5. 选择"HTML"一栏,从"Templates"的弹出菜单栏中选择"Flash Only (Default)" 6. 选择"Publish"按钮。这将创建Flash电影的一个SWF文件以及可嵌入网页中的HTML代码,请将SWF文件以及HTML代码全部保存至与FLA文件相同的目录下。 步骤二:向HTML网页添加javascript脚本 HTML网页必须添加javascript函数,以便接收"Get URL"指令信息。javascript函数是包含在HTML网页中的一段脚本代码,可以接收并执行某项指令。修改HTML网页的具体方法如下: 1. 在Dreamweaver或其它HTML编辑器内打开HTML网页。也可以使用象Notepad或SimpleText这样的文本编辑器。 2. 复制下列代码 <script…

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