诺瓦艺术与设计大学的研究者 David Harris Smith 和 Frauke Zeller 研发了一款机器人Hitchbot。它是专为搭车旅行而生,为此研发者都没有设计走动的功能,名字也是从 hitchhike 取的。Hitchbot 将从 7 月 27 日开始旅程,独自搭车穿越加拿大。

Researchers David Harris Smith and Frauke Zeller from NSCAD University developed a robot called Hitchbot. Made for a hitchhiking trip, it has no function to walk from the designs by the researchers and is named after hitchhike. Hitchbot will start to hitchhike alone across Canada since July 27.

Hitchbot 的身高相当于一个 6 岁的小孩子,长相呆萌。研究者将会把可爱的 Hitchbot 放在公路旁边,Hitchbot 会做出搭车通用的拇指手势,等待好心的司机载它一程。一旦好心的司机将它放上车,它就会与司机聊天。它可是拥有丰富的维基百科知识,对娱乐社交信息也了如指掌,很可能会告诉司机它是多喜欢 Kraftwerk ,或者和司机闲扯一段它从维基百科上看到的趣闻。

Hitchbot is as tall as a 6-year-old child and looks innocent and lovely. The researchers will place the cute Hitchbot on the side of road, and Hitchbot will make thumb gestures common in hitchhike to wait for kind drivers to give it a ride. Once it gets into the car, it will chat with the driver. With the rich knowledge of Wikipedia and recreational & social information, it will probably tell the driver how much it likes Kraftwerk, or talk about something funny from the Wikipedia with the driver.

实验团队将会通过 Twitter,Instagram 以及 Facebook 纪录 Hitchbot 的这场说走就走的旅行。

The experimental team will record the Hitchbot’s unhesitating trip on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

From: The 36Kr

Translated Ashley, CCJK Technologies Co.,Ltd.

In case of any mistakes, queries or advice, please send emails to judy.zhang@ccjk.com. Many thanks!

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