谷歌 2014 年度开发者大会将于北京时间 6 月 26 日凌晨零点在美国旧金山召开,每年一度的 Google I/O 大会现在早已成了科技领域的一大盛事。

Google I/O 2014, a great event of the scientific and technological circles, will be held at 0:00, June 26 (Beijing time) in San Francisco, US.

Android 5.0 要来了,操作系统之争还要继续

Android 5.0 is coming and the OS competition continues

根据 ibtimes 的消息,Google 正在计划统一整合 Android 应用和服务的设计元素,推出名为“Quantum Paper”(量子纸)的设计语言,新的 Android 系统很可能在 UI 方面有较大改动。想想不久前苹果 WWDC 上新发布的 iOS 8 系统和 swift 编程语言,操作系统之战还要继续。

As reported by ibtimes, Google is planning to integrate the design elements of Android applications & services and release a design language called “Quantum Paper”. The new version of Android system is quite different from old versions in UI. In consideration of iOS 8 and “swift” programming language released by Apple at the WWDC recently, the OS competition continues.


Unclear wearable device market pattern

虽然 WWDC 上,苹果并没有发布 iWatch,但据供应链消息称,很可能在今年 10 月出货,冲击现有的智能手表市场格局。其实,Google 发布 Android Wear 系统已经有段时间了,外界普遍预测搭载 Android Wear 平台的智能手表 LG G Watch 和 Moto 360 有望在本次大会上出展。当然,有传言说,会上很可能会展示三星的首款搭载 Android Wear 系统的手表。

Although Apple did not launch iWatch at the WWDC, the product is likely to come to market in this October to impact the existing smart watch market, said by a supplier of Apple. Actually, Google has released the Android Wear system for some time and it is widely predicted that LG G Watch and Moto 360 based on Android Wear will be displayed at this conference. It is also said that Samsung will also be likely to exhibit its first watch product based on Android Wear.


Three companies compete in car display market

据美国权威汽车媒体报道,Google 将在本月底召开的谷歌开发者大会上正式推出首个车载操作系统,旨在与苹果的 CarPlay 系统、微软的 Windows in the car 争夺市场。用户的安卓手机可以与车载系统相连,在车载设备上操作手机。用户可以语音控制拨打电话、发短信、播报新闻和博客内容,获取实时路况、导航,支持第三方软件操作。

As reported by an authoritative automobile-related media on from the US, Google will officially launch its first on-vehicle OS in Google I/O at the end of this month to compete with Apple’s CarPlay and Microsoft’s Windows In The Car. Users can connect the on-vehicle OS with their Android phones to operate phones on the OS. The voice control function is available to make calls, send SMS, read news and blogs and obtain traffic conditions and navigation information and third-party software is supported.


Google is unwilling to give up TV screen

Google 对于电视屏幕一直势在必得,据 Gigaom 报道,Google 将会在 Google I/O 上推出全新电视平台 Android TV,聚合多家流媒体服务商的应用以及 Android 视频和游戏开发商。不过,现在还不清楚该系统将与 Chromecast 电视棒如何相互支持,最大的可能是 Android TV 将会更专注于游戏。

Google always has high aspirations towards the TV screen. Reported by Gigaom, Google will launch a new TV platform, Android TV, at Google I/O to integrate apps from various streaming media and Android video & game developers. However, it is still unclear how this system and Chromecast mutually supports and most likely, Android will focus on games.


Smart home market can be the next battlefield

刚刚结束的苹果 WWDC 上,苹果发布了HomeKit。智能家居炙手可热,Google 自然也不会坐以待毙。今年 32 亿美元收购 Nest,5.5 亿美元收购 Dropcam,Google 很可能在智能家居领域再发力。今年的 I/O 大会上,Google 很可能会将 Google Now 服务渗透到智能家居中。是否会推出类似于苹果 HomeKit 的套件,或者专门为智能家居开发一套类似 Android Wear 的系统,值得关注。

At the just concluded WWDC, Apple launched HomeKit. Currently, the smart home market is thriving and Google, of course, has taken some actions. After the purchasing Nest with 3,200 m USD and Dropcam with 550 m USD, Google is expected to make further effort in this field. At Google I/O in this year, Google is likely to make the Google Now service penetrate into smart home. Whether Google will release a suite similar to Apple’s HomeKit or develop a system similar to Android Wear for smart home is noteworthy.

Read Also: Google Makes Efforts to Change the World in 12 Ways

From: The 36Kr

Translated by Steve, CCJK Technologies Co.,Ltd.

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