As virtual reality gains steam, the question of virtual worlds is never far behind. Philip Rosedale is best known for online community Second Life. But since last year, we’ve been watching for news on High Fidelity, a new project meant to blend his previous work with cutting-edge telepresence technology. The system, announced in 2013, was compared to the OASIS of Ready Player One: a series of worlds connected to each other by a central network and economy, provided — obviously — by Rosedale himself. At the Silicon Valley Virtual Reality Conference in Mountain View, we’re seeing the first hints of what that could mean, as well as a sense of the many hurdles left to jump.
随着虚拟现实强势而袭,关于虚拟世界的传闻不绝于耳。在线社区《第二人生》让菲利普·罗斯代尔 (Philip Rosedale) 声名鹊起。我们去年便开始关注“High Fidelity”(一个计划在先前基础上加入顶尖临场技术的新项目)的消息。该系统于 2013 年宣布推出,由 Rosedale 构建的一个可与 OASIS 的 Ready Player One 抗衡的虚拟世界组成,这样一样所有的玩家就可以共享一个中央网络和交易渠道。在山景城举办的硅谷虚拟现实会议上,我们更多地了解了这个虚拟世界,也知道它将来还需跨越许多障碍。
From: The Verge
Translated by Lynn, CCJK Technologies Co.,Ltd.
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