几天前的 10 月 15 号,Google 刚刚发布了代号 Lollipop(棒棒糖)的最新移动操作系统Android 5.0,随后不久Android 5.0 SDK 也正式发布了。
A few days ago (October 15), Google has just released code Lollipop’s newest Mobile OS (Operating System): Android 5.0, and soon after Android 5.0 SDK (SoftwareDevelopment Kit) has also been officially released.
新版的Android具备了诸多亮点,比如采用了全新的扁平化风格的视觉设计语言Material Design,增强了向APP发送通知的方式,提供了Project Volta和Battery Historian 以便APP提高电池能效,ART技术提升了系统运行效率,正式提供了多用户支持,OpenGL ES 3.1、Android Extension Pack等提升了游戏及APP性能等。并且新版Android提供了多达5000 多个的API,为开发者提供了火力强大的军火库。
The new Android owns many highlights, for instance, adopting Material Design, a bran-new flattening Visual Design Language, enhancing the channel to send messages to APP, installing Project Volta and Battery Historian so as to improve energy efficiency. ART increases system operation efficiency, which is officially available to multi-user. And Open GL ES 3.1、Android Extension Pack and other techniques promote the performance of games and app. Inaddition, the new Android provides more than 5000 APT, which equips developers fora powerful “arsenal”.
不过,要想使用这些API,开发者首先需要有SDK。现在Android 5.0 的SDK已经正式提供下载。完整的SDK包括了Android 5.0 SDK平台与工具、模拟器系统镜像、针对Material Design主题向下兼容性的v7 版appcompat支持库以及支持Android TV app的 lean back 库。
However, developers need a SDK first if they want to use these API. Nowthe SDK of Android 5.0 could be officially downloaded. A complete SDK includes Android5.0 SDK platform & tool, system mirror of simulator, v7 app compat support library for compatible Material Design theme and lean back library for AndroidTV app.
根据 Google 官方博客的消息,Google 为 Nexus 5、7(2013 款)系列智能手机提供了系统镜像下载。但是不会为开发者预览版提供OTA下载支持。不过预计到 11 月上旬 Android 5.0 会正式提供给消费者更新,这个时间正好是新款的 Nexus 6、9及Nexus Player上市的时间。
According to Google Blog, Nexus 5、7 (2013) seriessmart phone are access to mirror download. But it do not support OTA download for Developer Preview. While it is expected that Android 5.0 will provide users with updates in early November, which happens to be the Listing time of the new Nexus 6、9 and Nexus Player.
来自: 虎嗅网
翻译: Elodie, 深圳市昆仲科技有限公司
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