* Source of engendering transformation (“physically” it is the source of Qi and Blood) 生化之源
* Governs transformation and transportation 脾主运化
* Manages the Blood 脾统血
* Unites the Muscles and 4 limbs 在体合肌肉四肢
* Raises Clear Qi 升清
* Opens into the mouth (the fleshy parts) and its flower is the lips 脾开窍于口,其华在唇
* Houses Intention and is associated with thought (connected with consideration of options, pondering and possibilities) 脾藏意,在志为思
* Its associated fluid is thin saliva 在液为涎
* its associated “emotion” is thought, pensiveness, worry在情为思
Read Also: English of Chinese Medicine (1)
* Governs Qi and respiration 肺为气之主(肾为气之本)
* Controls the Channels and Vessels 肺朝百脉
* Controls Dispersing and Descending主宣发与肃降
* Regulates the Water passages通调水道 also considered to be the upper source of water in the body 肺为水的上源
* Controls the skin and body hair 肺主皮毛
* Opens into the nose 肺开窍于鼻
* Its associated fluid is nasal discharge在液为涕
* Houses the Corporeal Spirit (associated with sensations and feelings) 肺藏魄
* its emotion is grief and sadness在情为悲
Are you looking for Chinese Translation? We are here for your assistance.
* Is the root of Earlier Heaven 肾为先天之本
* Stores Essence and governs reproduction, birth, growth and development
* Governs Bones and produces marrow主骨生髓
* Governs Water主水
* Governs the grasping (and drawing downward) of Qi 主纳气
* Opens into the ears and 2 Yin (urethra {and spermatic duct in men} and anus) and manifests in the hair of the head肾开窍于耳和二阴,其华在发
* Kidney Yin and Yang is the Root Yin/Yang of the body
* Controls opening and closing 肾司开阖
* Controls strength and skill
* Houses will power 肾藏志
* Acts as the gate of the Stomach为胃之门
* Its associated fluid is thick saliva 在液为唾
* Its emotion is fear在情为恐
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