
14 search results for:


Name Translation

/ in Blog / by Olivia
After searching on the internet, I found that in many occasions English names are transliterated into Chinese, like the drug names. As regard to the majority names of foreigners, they…

Chinese Translation Theories and History

/ in Blog / by Olivia
For us modern translators, the Chinese translatology means to us Yan Fu’s theory of fidelity, clarity and elegance, Fu Lei’s spiritual resemblance, and rich practices by sinologists Yang Xianyi, Ji…

Metaphor Understanding

/ in Blog / by Olivia
Metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness…

Interesting Translation of Lines and Following Thoughts

/ in Blog / by Olivia
Recently, more and more foreign TV series and films are available for Chinese. Watching those foreign programs becomes an effective way to learn foreign culture, social practice, ways of thinking…

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