Twitter(推特) Facebook(脸书)已经成为全球最大的两大社交网络,随着网络社交成为普通民众日常生活的一部分,这两家网站也开始向其他领域延伸发展,而电子商务网上购物成为他们的最新战场。

Twitter and Facebook have become the world’s two largest big social networks. As the social networking becomes part of common people’s daily life, both Twitter and Facebook are gradually expanding their business to such as E-commerce and online shopping.


They hope that besides viewing friends’ trends, users can also directly complete the one-click shopping process without skipping to other websites.


As indicated in the New York Times website, there certainly exists difference between shopping in social websites and tranditional retailer websites. For Facebook and Twitter, a new business opportunity of shopping service within the website is to provide better products for advertisers and external merchants and to catch the attention of those customers who tend to shop on impulse, which means that customers may take a fancy to a commodity and buy it rapidly when they are viewing their friends’s posts and trends.

From: The Huxiu

Translated by Elodie, CCJK Technologies Co.,Ltd.

Edited by Steve, CCJK Technologies Co.,Ltd.

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