As a business Partner, the HR has its function role of the business management and strategy in developing, contributing to, and supporting the organization’s mission, vision, values, strategic goals and objectives; formulating policies; guiding and leading the change process; and evaluating organizational effectiveness as an organizational leader.(1)组织使命,愿景,价值观,战略方向和目标) (2)政策与制度 (3)组织变革 (4) 组织效率与人均产值

01. Interpret and apply information related to the organization’s operations from internal sources, including finance, accounting, business development, marketing, sales, operations, and information technology, in order to contribute to the development of the organization’s strategic plan.

02. Interpret information from external sources related to the general business environment, industry practices and developments, technological advances, economic environment, labor force, and the legal and regulatory environment, in order to contribute to the development of the organization’s strategic plan.

03. Participate as a contributing partner in the organization’s strategic planning process (for example: provide and lead workforce planning discussion with management, develop and present long-term forecast of human capital needs at the organizational level). (劳动力规划和人力资源成本预测分析)

04. Establish strategic relationships with key individuals in the organization to influence organizational decision-making.与公司内部决策层建立战略关系)

05. Establish relationships/alliances with key individuals and outside organizations to assist in achieving the organization’s strategic goals and objectives (for example: corporate social responsibility and community partnership).(与公司外部资源建立对外和社区伙伴关系)

06. Develop and utilize business metrics to measure the achievement of the organization’s strategic goals and objectives (for example: key performance indicators, balanced scorecard). (建立公司关键绩效指标)

07. Develop, influence, and execute strategies for managing organizational change that balance the expectations and needs of the organization, its employees, and other stakeholders.(以销售额最大化和费用最小化的原则建立公司各方的平衡积分卡)

08. Develop and align the human resource strategic plan with the organization’s strategic plan.(建立基于公司战略规划的人力资源战略规划)

09. Facilitate the development and communication of the organization’s core values, vision, mission, and ethical behaviors.(沟通和宣传公司的核心价值观,愿景,使命和做人做事的行为准则)

10. Reinforce the organization’s core values and behavioral expectations through modeling, communication, and coaching. (培训和固化公司的核心价值观和做人做事的行为准则)

11. Provide data such as human capital projections and costs that support the organization’s overall budget.

12. Develop and execute business plans (i.e., annual goals and objectives) that correlate with the organization’s strategic plan’s performance expectations to include growth targets, new programs/services, and net income expectations. (基于阿米巴经验模式的年度计划目标,增长率,新项目开发和净收益指标的项目落地实施;)

13. Perform cost/benefit analyses on proposed projects. SPHR Only (基于销售额最大化和费用最小化的成本与效益分析)

14. Develop and manage an HR budget that supports the organization’s strategic goals, objectives, and values. (基于销售额最大化和费用最小化的人力资源成本预算分析)
15. Monitor the legislative and regulatory environment for proposed changes and their potential impact to the organization, taking appropriate proactive steps to support, modify, or oppose the proposed changes.人力资源法律法规政策影响与变化)
16. Develop policies and procedures to support corporate governance initiatives (for example: whistleblower protection, code of ethics).
17. Participate in enterprise risk management by ensuring that policies contribute to protecting the organization from potential risks.
18. Identify and evaluate alternatives and recommend strategies for vendor selection and/or outsourcing.
19. Oversee or lead the transition and/or implementation of new systems, service centers, and outsourcing.
20. Participate in strategic decision-making and due diligence activities related to organizational structure and design (for example: corporate restructuring, mergers and acquisitions [M&A], divestitures). SPHR only(组织设计,战略重组,并购与兼并,部门重组与整合)
21. Determine strategic application of integrated technical tools and systems (for example: new enterprise software, performance management tools, self-service technologies).(新企业级软件应用于绩效管理工具推广使用)

You good suggestions and ideas will be highly appreciated and shared with harry, please send your comments or suggestions to [email protected] .
Thanks for reading.

Best Regards;

Written and edited by : Harry.Wei

HR of CCJK Technologies.