Recently I went to the north in order to looking for the white world. And I really fall in love with the snow. At that place, at that time, the whole world was covered by a white blanket. The feeling was beyong description. Here I collected some terms about snow, in hope of sharing my joys.
打雪仗 have snowball fights
堆雪人 make snowmen
暴风雪 blizzard
大雪纷飞的 snowswept
雪原,雪野 snowfield
雪山 snow capped mountain
雪橇 sledge; sleigh
雪盲的 snow blind
雪花 snowflakes
暴风雪,雪暴 snowstorm
雪崩 snowslide; snowslip
雪堆 snow drift
雪球 snowball
雪景 snowscape
吹雪机 snowblower
防滑雪鞋 snowshoe
雪亮 bright as snow
雪上加霜 snow plus frost; one disaster after another
雪蚀 nivation; snow patch erosion
雪兔 snow hare
雪线 [地] snow line
雪冤 clear sb. of a false charge
雪原 snowfield
雪杖[体] skipole; skistick
雪中送炭 send charcoal in snowy weather; provide timely help
The below are some sentences which describe the heavy snow.
It is snowing in large flakes;
a big snowfall;
It is snowing heavily;
It is snowing thick and fast;
Snowflakes flutter about;
The snow falls in soft flakes.
There are a few terms that refer to the snowing. And I want to give some explaination to three of them.
The term snow storm can describe a heavy snowfall.
A blizzard involves snow and wind, obscuring visibility.
Snow shower is a term for an intermittent snowfall.
flurry is used for very light, brief snowfalls.