Price is the key point in negotiation, the most important element both parties concerning with. Thus, to determine the price is quite critical.
Always, it has three processes to determine price in negotiation: quote, bargain and making the final decision.
Quote is the first step of the negotiation. Both buyer and seller are very cautious about quote. Error in quoting will cause subsequent passiveness and loss.
As for a buyer, the quote is always as low as possible, in order to make a deal with lower price. But as for a seller, it is quite common to quote a high price. Both of them should consider their own benefit as well as the other party’s possibility of acceptance.
Typical Sentences:
We’d rather have your CIF prices than FOB prices.
We wish you’ll give us a competitive price.
We’d like to quote you as follows: 500 sets of Panda radio at the price of USD 30 per set FOB Shanghai.
我们给你们的报价如下:熊猫收音机 500 台,每台 FOB 上海 30 美元。
Here is our offer, 490 Francs per ton, FOB Marseilles.
这是我们的报盘,每吨 FOB 马赛 490 法郎。
Unless otherwise stated, our quotations on this offer sheet are given without engagement.
When one Party gives an offer, the other Party will make a counter offer. That is bargain. During bargain, both parties should pay attention to the following points: stick to principles and do not hurt the other party’s emotion; argue strongly on just grounds with good grace. Intelligence, strategy and strength will be completely revealed.
Typical sentences:
Is it possible to reduce the price by 16%?
有没有可能把价格降低 16%?
I’m sorry we can’t make any reduction because the price quoted is already very low.
Our offer is very practical, so we are sorry to say that your counter-offer is unacceptable.
I suggest around US $380 per metric ton CIF Guangzhou.
我建议把价格定在 CIF 广州每公吨 380 美元。
If your price is not competitive, there is little chance that we can push the sale of your product in our market.
After intensified discussion, both parties will make concession accordingly. That is the compromise stage in negotiation. This is a critical stage to the final agreement.
Typical sentences:
As a sign of our support to your effort, we’ll make a special reduction of US $ 1 per dozen.
As a special case we may consider accepting payment by D/P. This will make it much easier for you to push the sales of these products.
作为特例,我们将考虑接受 D/P 付款的方式。这样更便于你们推销这些产品。
We agree to September shipment if the quantity offered is acceptable.
Final say and signing
After discussion and compromising, parties of the negotiation will finally come to an agreement. Representatives indicate the results are acceptable. After the final say, they should sign on a contract. Contract will take effect only after signing.
Typical sentences:
Let’s discuss the contract item by item.
We have a few remarks to make on some clauses of the contract.
I suggest we sign the original of the contract with the attachments.
The draft contract will be ready for signature this afternoon.