四年一届的世界杯如约而至,虽然比赛在遥远的南美巴西,而且全过程和中国队没有一丁点的关系,但是”这都不是事”,6 月 13 日凌晨注定是中国足球迷又一个狂欢假期的开始。
As the quadrennial World Cup comes at the early morning of June 13 , although the event is held in Brazil, a very remote country and has no connection with Chinese Football Team, a new round of carnival for football fans in China begins.
和四年前的南非世界杯不同的是,当年只能老老实实坐在电视机或电脑前才能跟进赛事的球迷们,现在可以通过手机或 PAD 就可以随时观看最精彩的比赛,掌握最全的赛事信息。PPTV 聚力更是在旗下 IOS 和 Android 移动端同步上线全新世界杯版,让球迷随心尽情享用足坛饕餮盛宴。
Unlike four years ago when the World Cup was held in South Africa and fans had to follow the matches through television or computer, now, they can watch the greatest games with smart phones or PAD at any time to know the most complete information on matches. To enable fans to enjoy this great event, PPTV synchronously launches its World Cup edition iOS and Android apps.
以更新后的 iPhone 3.10.1 版本为例,在首页导航栏即可看到”世界杯”的频道入口,频道内设置有完整的内容板块,包括:射手榜,可以实时了解球员的进球情况;积分榜,各小组各球队的比赛、积分状况一目了然;赛程,所有比赛的比分、全场进程及精选镜头都在这个部分呈现;队伍,有着 32 强的详细介绍和赛程情况;新闻,世界杯最新的进展和精彩集锦都能第一时间在这里找到。
Take the new Edition 3.10.1 for iPhone as example, users can see the portal of “World Cup” channel on the navigation bar in the homepage, in which there are complete content blocks including: top scorer list (listing players who score and the number of goals ); score board (listing match results and scores of each team in each group); schedule (listing the match results, recorded matches and highlights); teams (listing details of all 32 teams and the schedule); news (listing news and highlights from the World Cup).
和体育赛事内容一样,PPTV 聚力在移动端开放方面的优势也为众多用户所认可。这次借举世瞩目的世界杯良机。移动端和体育内容可谓强强联手,联袂为用户奉上最精彩的赛事,最灵活的观看方式。据了解,作为 PPTV 聚力体育专属 APP,第一体育,也已上线世界杯专区。PPTV 聚力让万千球迷世界杯上过足瘾。
Similar to the sports event content, PPTV’s advantages in opening of mobile apps are recognized by users. Through the golden opportunity brought by the World Cup attracting worldwide attention, mobile apps join hands with sports event to offer users the most wonderful matches and the most flexible way to watch matches. Reportedly, Diyi Sports, the sports-specific App of PPTV, has put a World Cup-specific zone on line. During the World Cup, PPTV will enable football fans to well enjoy matches.
From: The Meihua
Translated by Steve, CCJK Technologies Co.,Ltd.
In case of any mistakes, queries or advice, please send emails to judy.zhang@ccjk.com. Many thanks!