Growing connection of commerce and culture makes Mongolian translations an urgent need for both countries and people in various areas.

To be an excellent Mongolian translator, a good understanding of the background and culture of this language is a must. Mongolian belongs to the Mongolic languages, which is part of the larger Altaic language family.

It is mostly spoken in Mongolia, but many autonomous regions of provinces in the northeast of China, including Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, etc., have also Mongolian as their mother tongue, which provides a good opportunity for increasing exchanges and communications between Mongolian-speaking and Chinese-speaking people. As a result, a quality translation service is ensured.

Regarding the Mongolian dialect, there are generally two views. One is that except for the Khalkha dialect, the Chinese Mongolian can be classified into three dialects: Inner Mongolian dialect, including local dialects used in the Mongolian in Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region, regions of Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, etc.

The Baerhu and Buli Yate dialect, including local dialects in Baerhu and Buli Yate regions and the Oirad dialect including local dialects in regions of Xingjiang, Qinghai, Gansu and other provinces. The second view holds that Mongolian can be divided into four dialects: Midlands, East, West and North. In addition, there are several transitional local dialects among these four dialects.

In general, the development and evolution of Mongolian are divided into three phases: before 12th century, from 13th to the end of 16th century and from 17th century to the modern Mongolian.

When it comes to the method of Mongolian translations, back formation is a very common way worth mentioning. It is a reverse way compared with the regular way of adding affix. Mongolian is an agglutinating language and its forming is generally reflected as the linear morpheme. And some grammar meaning can be presented by zeromorph.

As with all language translations, having a solid and reliable quality control systems plays an important role for a translation company in improving efficiency:

1. Making and carrying out uniform quality control standards.

2. Selecting corresponding experts and professional translators in accordance with industry and technical grades.

3. Effective and efficient workflow that includes a complete translation-edit-proofreading process so as to assure quality translation of accuracy, standard and consistent term use.

4. Building and perfecting a glossary for accurate and consistent translation.

5. Professional DTP that satisfies all kinds of customer needs.

6. For ensuring all projects are timely and fine delivered, a project manager, who works as a link and supervisor, is essential in the workflow.

Through this effective and efficient working process, the translation company can provide reliable translation service for people who need it. Moreover, with the development of translation technology, more and more CAT software is used by translation companies. By using these tools, it not only can save much time, but also ensure the consistency of key terms.

CCJK is a professional localization company that keeps close cooperative relations with diverse universities and translation agencies. We can therefore ensure a pool of talents who are specialized in diverse fields and provide top grade translation services, including Mongolian translation for our customers.

Read Also: Difference and similarities between Mongolian and Inner Mongolian