近期国外名人通过社交网络玩起了“冰桶挑战”的接力,挑战者需拍视频上传再提名三人,不敢挑战者要捐出善款。活动的主旨是为肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症 (ALS) 进行筹款,并呼吁社会关注。在昨天,这一活动蔓延至中国互联网圈,多名科技界大佬被点名参与了这一活动。

Recently, via social networks, foreign celebrities are playing a relay race named Ice Bucket Challenge which requires challengers to take and upload a video, and then call out the challenge to other three people. Those who fail to accept the challenge need to donate money. The main purpose of this activity is to raise funds for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and to appeal to the society to pay more attention to the disease. Yesterday, the activity has spread to China Internet circle, and a number of IT tycoons have been called to participate in the activity.

刘作虎和古永锵已经完成挑战,并向周鸿祎、罗永浩和马云等发起挑战。国外 IT 圈的一众名人如比尔•盖茨、蒂姆•库克、马克•扎克伯格等都已完成挑战。美国总统奥巴马怯战,未能完成冰桶挑战,直接捐款 100 美元。

Liu Zuohu and Victor Koo have completed the challenge, and passed it to Zhou Hongyi, Luo Yonghao, Jack Ma and others. The foreign IT celebrities, including Bill Gates, Tim Cook and Mark Zuckerberg, etc, have also finished the challenge. American President Barack Obama declined the challenge, and donated 100 dollars.

冰桶挑战是美国希望通过名人的影响力,让更多的人关注 ALS 病(肌肉萎缩性侧面硬化病)并为 ALS 协会捐款的社交公益活动,受邀参加挑战的人如果自浇冰水并上传视频,则可以点名其他三名好人继续接力;如果不愿自浇冰水,则需要向 ALS 协会捐献 100 美元用于疾病防治。

Ice Bucket Challenge is a social public welfare activity from America to draw more attention to ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) and raise money for ALS Association through celebrities’ influence. If the invited participants dump a bucket of ice water over their heads and upload their videos, then they can challenge three others to go on with the relay race. If the participants are unwilling to do that, they need to donate 100 dollars to ALS association for disease control and prevention.

From: The 36Kr
Translated by Elodie, CCJK Technologies Co.,Ltd.
Edited by Ashley, CCJK Technologies Co.,Ltd.

In case of any mistakes, queries or advice, please send emails to judy.zhang@ccjk.com. Many thanks!