Wink 是由 Quirky 出品的一款应用,目前已推出 iOS 版和 Android 版。通过这款应用,你可以随时随地控制通用电气推出的这款 LED 灯泡,包括开灯、关灯和控制灯泡的亮度等。
Wink, an app launched by Quirky, is now available for iOS and Android. With this app, you will be able to control the LED light bulb launched by GE anytime and anywhere, turning on and off the lights, as well as diming or increasing the brightness etc..
说起智能类家具产品,很多人的第一印象便是“贵”。通用电气推出的这款 Link 灯泡似乎和贵不搭边,因为它只卖 15 美元。感兴趣的用户下周一即可在美国家得宝公司 Home Depot 预定,今年秋天正式开售。
When talking about smart furniture products, people are left with the first impression that they are so expensive. Priced at $15, the Link light bulb seems irrelevant to the expensiveness. And the Link will be available for pre-order on next Monday for the curious users via Home Depot and will go on sale starting this fall.
通用电气工推出了三款 Link 灯泡,分别是 60 瓦台灯 / 落地 LED 灯泡(15 美元)、室内 LED 泛光灯以及室内 / 室外 LED 聚光灯。
GE has launched three different Link light bulbs: a 60-watt desk lamp/floor lamp LED ($ 15), an indoor floodlight LED and an indoor/outdoor spotlight LED.
From: The 36Kr
Translated by Steve, CCJK Technologies Co.,Ltd.
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