肩负着帮助 Facebook “狙击 Snapchat” 重要使命的神秘应用终于亮相了,虽然就那么一会儿,随即就被下架了。
As the first competitor of Snapchat, a mysterious Facebook app is finally unveiled, although it has been removed from the App Store immediately.
这个神秘应用叫 Slingshot,原理同 Snapchat 类似,借鉴了最近新出的 Taptalk 的一些思路,两者图标也有类似之处。上图中左边是 Slingshot,右边是 Taptalk。
Called Slingshot, this app has the similar principle with Snapchat and uses some of ideas applied in Taptalk (a newly lauched app) for reference and the icons of both apps are similar to some extent. The left icon in the picture above is Slingshot and the right icon is Taptalk.
Slingshot 新增的两个点有些意思,一是你收到好友发过来的照片后,必须回复一张,才能查看别人发给你的;二是当你看别人发给你的照片时,可以一键点击 “React” 按钮,就能把自己的状态拍下发给对方。这两个功能也许可以促进用户互动,尤其是早期的时候。
Slingshot has two new interesting features: once you have receive photos from your friend, you have to send one back to view these photos; when you view photos sent by your friend, you can click the “React“ button to take a photo of you and send it to him/her. These two features may promote users’ interaction, particularly in the early stage.
这次快速上线又撤下,估计是 Facebook 想试探下大家的反馈,其发言人称预计很快会正式上线。
It is analyzed that Facebook rolls out Slingshot but promptly pulls it from the App Store for the purpose of testing users’ feedbacks and its spokesman says it will be officially launched soon.
From: 36 Kr
Translated by Steve, CCJK Technologies Co.,Ltd.
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