CCJK SEO Plan & Charge

一、Initial Action SEO Plan ( Basic Optimization )

1In-site Optimization.

Implement webpage optimization and Suggest more reasonable webpage structure and friendly in search engine and user experience. Your web pages will be collected/indexed by most of Engines many times.

1) Keyword Research.

One of the basic steps in search engine optimization is keyword research. Here competitive keywords relating to the site and unique to your domain are found. Keyword research report include global monthly searches, local monthly searches, Keyword Results in search engine, Keyword Competition, Keyword Density and so on.

Use techniques: Carry out keywords research for Mandarin site (using Baidu Index Tool).

Our Quote: We Collect 10 right/proper keywords and take a research report.

Clear Time: Three Days.

2) Carry Out & Create Meat information.

Meta information (title/keywords/description) is used to provide additional information about HTML documents so that the search engine crawlers are able to index the information more accurately.

Use techniques: Research and Add title, keywords and description that matches with the content of each single page.

Our Quote: Quote about Single page

Clear Time: One week.

3) Indexed your web pages

Attract Search Engines to “Grab” your web pages. Your website will be collected by Search Engines by using proper server technologies and website structures. The performance for this stage is your web pages will be collected/indexed by most of Engines many times.

Use techniques:

a) Dmoz title and description optimization and submission.

b) Creation of robots file.

c) Site map for better crawling of your site.

d) Others.

Our Quote: USD XX.

Clear Time: Three Days.

2Out-site Optimization.

Develop a backward link worksheet to create high-quality backward links as many as possible. Get a higher rank, increasing the PR (Page Ranking) value.

Base on the initial action plan, our SEO engineers proposed the following steps to raise our traffic and visibility.

1) Link Building

We have experienced techniques about link building and link development to improve the Page Ranking value. Link popularity building (SEO friendly links, no paid links). Link Popularity refers to the number of links pointing to your site, from other sites on the web.

Our quote: Depend on quantity.

Clear Time: Two weeks.

2) Anchor Text

Attract Search Engines to “Grab” your web pages. Your website will be collected by Search Engines by using proper server technologies and website structures.

Our quote: Included Link Building Quote.

Clear Time: Two weeks.

二、Further Action SEO Plan

Keyword Optimization ( After Finished The Including In-site & Out-site Optimization )
1) Implement webpage optimization, adjust the “stand-out”, proximity and density of keywords; Suggest more reasonable webpage structure and friendly user experience; Develop a backward link worksheet to create high-quality backward links as many as possible.
2) The performance for this stage is to get ready for getting a higher rank, increasing the PR (Page Ranking) value.
3) It’s also a very important step in SEO, accounting for 65% of the whole workload.
4) Quote:

We will quote depending on the competition of every keyword in the Engines
30% down payment, the rest should be paid when our work meets the mutually agreed target/results for every keyword.
5). Service Time: 3 months or more, until the specified target/result is reached.

6) Final results: Your website will appear in the first 3 pages of Search list in for the specified keywords.

三、Our Basic Techniques

Website Analysis

Keyword Research

HTML Validation Checking

SEO Consulting

Extensive Competitive Analysis For Better Search Engine Ranking Performance

SEO Copywriting

Image Optimization

Creation Of Meta Information(Title, Description, Keywords)

Creation Of Robots File

Search Engine Submission By Hand To All The Major Search Engines

Site Map For Better Crawling Of Your Site

Link Popularity Building(SEO Friendly Links, No Paid Links)

Setup Website Analytics And Baidu Analytics(Baidu Tongji)

Social Bookmarking Services

Create Blog or Forum And Update Articles

Social Media Link Building(SEO Friendly Links, No Paid Links)


Any needs for any kinds of SEO, please do not hesitate to email me ( Definitely we will provide you a satisfying job !