Spanish to Chinese Meat Cuts

Spanish to Chinese Meat Cuts

CCJK must apply TRADOS 2007 for this project and send to client the clean and unclean version and the updated TM. Deliver the translation and the edition in separate folders.

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About the project:
The client is one of the biggest beef exporter in the word, they exported beef to Germany, The Netherlands, Italy, U.K., Spain, France, Russia, Hong Kong, Brazil, Chile, Peru and other non-traditional markets like Egypt and Algiers, Ukraine, Bosnia and Croatia. The beef export business entails a big responsibility.

It is guaranteeing not only the finest cuts to every importing country, but also the highest quality. Clearly demonstrate how important a company it is when exporting beef to diverse world markets and in the hope of expanding the Chinese market share, the client entitled us to translate his finest cuts items from Spanish to Chinese Translation.

Challenges and Instructions:
• CCJK must apply TRADOS 2007 for this project and send to client the CLEAN and UNCLEAN version and the updated TM. Deliver the translation and the edition in separate folders.

• When the second translator finished the edition. In order to make sure that the client can identify equivalences. Please paste the content translated into the corresponding column in the original source file.

• In this project there are a lot of repetitions, please use the TM of previous jobs and make sure to be consistent.

• Related to the phrase “Yo te conozco” is a slogan of the company. Please, translate this.

• The client included the original documents in JPG, in case the translator and editor need to see the images during translation.

• Translate “grasa analitica ” simply as “grasa”

• Please make sure all the name of the meat cuts translated correctly.

Our Solution:
1. CCJK tried all the best to find a meal cutting expert who mastered in Spanish translation as well as Chinese translation. Our translator and two editors did a lot of research for this project and consulted with the meal processing staff. In order to make certain that all the name of the meat cuts were properly translated.

2. During translation, the client had a question referring to the system of measurement commonly use in China. The client wanted to know if there is a measure commonly used in China different from centimeters, kilograms, etc. that are use in the original document.

Our general practice is to convert the US measurements into Chinese commonly used measurements. (Centimeters, kilograms…) Also Inches, Gallon, bushel and other US measurements have corresponding Chinese translation here.

Read Also: Spanish-One more and more popular language

About Client:
To maintain negotiations with all these countries demands an intensive programme of quality control and a vast experience that COTO has acquired over the years to live up to the requirements of each international customer. COTO is one of the biggest beef exporters in the world. And that is not achieved overnight; it is the result of producing fine quality cuts for export. With its great experience and because of its high standards quality control COTO’s beef were included in the Hilton Quota, which allows the company to export the finest cuts to the European continent.

Founded in 2000 and born for Internet, CCJK is a highly trusted professional e-Services company supported by more than 2,000 talented linguists, engineers, designers and programmers who work as a super organized team. From language translation, desktop publishing, graphic design, software localization, website development, SEO, user guide to corporate eLearning, we provide one stop solution to help client gain competitive edge. We rely on streamlined and sophisticated process to ensure fast and quality delivery. By trusting CCJK’s one stop solution, you need only focus on your core business, win market share and maximize your profit in simplest and soonest way.

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