Functional Area 02: Workforce Planning and Employment (24%/17%)

Part One: Definition

Developing, implementing, and evaluating sourcing, recruitment, hiring, orientation, succession planning, retention, and organizational exit programs necessary to ensure the workforce’s ability to achieve the organization’s goals and objectives.

Part Two: What to do

01 Ensure that workforce planning and employment activities are compliant with applicable federal laws and regulations.(人力资源项目的合法性)

02 Identify workforce requirements to achieve the organization’s short- and long-term goals and objectives (for example: corporate restructuring, workforce expansion or reduction).(招聘需求确认)

03 Conduct job analyses to create and/or update job descriptions and identify job competencies; (工作分析—工作描述—胜任力模型)

04 Identify, review, document, and update essential job functions for positions.(工作角色与性质定义)

05 Influence and establish criteria for hiring, retaining, and promoting based on job descriptions and required留用-晋升标准

06 Analyze labor market for trends that impact the ability to meet workforce requirements (for example: federal/state data reports).(劳动力市场趋势分析)

07 Assess skill sets of internal workforce and external labor market to determine the availability of qualified candidates, utilizing third party vendors or agencies as appropriate; (内外部知识与技能人性分析)

08 Identify internal and external recruitment sources (for example: employee referrals, diversity groups, social media) and implement selected recruitment methods.

09 Establish metrics for workforce planning (for example: recruitment and turnover statistics, costs). (人力资源成本核算)

10 Brand and market the organization to potential qualified applicants. (人力资源雇主形象宣传)

11 Develop and implement selection procedures (for example: applicant tracking, interviewing, reference and background checking).(甄选流程事项)

12 Develop and extend employment offers and conduct negotiations as necessary.(录用与薪酬协商事项)

13 Administer post-offer employment activities (for example: execute employment agreements, complete I-9/e-Verify process, coordinate relocations, and immigration). (录用入职手续办理流程事项)

14 Develop, implement, and evaluate orientation and onboarding processes for new hires, rehires, and transfers.(岗前指引与入职流程事项)

15 Develop, implement, and evaluate employee retention strategies and practices.(员工留用策略与实施政策)

16 Develop, implement, and evaluate the succession planning process.(岗位接班人计划与流程)

17 Develop and implement the organizational exit/ off-boarding process for both voluntary and involuntary terminations, including planning for reductions in force (RIF). (离职流程事项)

18 Develop, implement, and evaluate an affirmative action plan (AAP) as required. (员工福利行动计划事项)

19 Develop and implement a record retention process for handling documents and employee files (for example: pre-employment files, medical files, and benefits files). (员工工作绩效记录与员工信息档案管理)

Part Three: What to know

11 Applicable federal laws and regulations related to workforce planning and employment activities (for example: Title VII, ADA, EEOC Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures, Immigration Reform and Control Act)(人力资源法律法规)

12 Methods to assess past and future staffing effectiveness (for example: costs per hire, selection ratios, adverse impact)(人力资源人均产值核算)

13 Recruitment sources (for example: employee referral, social networking/social media) for targeting passive, semi-active and active candidates(招聘渠道整合)

14 Recruitment strategies (招聘策略)

15 Staffing alternatives (for example: outsourcing, job sharing, phased retirement) (雇佣策略)

16 Planning techniques (for example: succession planning, forecasting) (人力资源规划工具)

17 Reliability and validity of selection tests/tools/methods (甄选测试评估方法依据)
18 Use and interpretation of selection tests (for example: psychological/personality, cognitive, motor/physical assessments, performance, assessment center)(甄选测试评估工具)

19 Interviewing techniques (for example: behavioral, situational, panel) (面试技巧与工具)

20 Impact of compensation and benefits on recruitment and retention (薪酬福利与招聘留用应用)

21 International HR and implications of global workforce for workforce planning and employment.(人力资源操作惯例)

22 Voluntary and involuntary terminations, downsizing, restructuring, and outplacement strategies and practices;(解聘-裁员-重组-外包 策略与操作)

23 Internal workforce assessment techniques (for example: skills testing, skills inventory, workforce demographic analysis) (内部劳动力技能评估)

24 Employment policies, practices, and procedures (for example: orientation, on-boarding, and retention) (录用-入职-留用政策-策略-流程)

25 Employer marketing and branding techniques (雇主品牌与推广策略)

26 Negotiation skills and techniques(薪酬谈判与沟通技能)

If you have some good suggestion and valued opinions on the Human Resource, I’d be very glad to share with you, you can send your sharing to [email protected] ; thanks for your reading.
Written and edited by: harry.wei