2014 年 5 月 20 日晚,锤子手机发布会,T1手机亮相。相不错,16G 卖 3000 元,32G 3150 元。同时,老罗宣布,100 万“单口相声”门票收入,则捐赠 OpenSSL 基金会。发布会结束,他说,不为输赢,只为认真。
On the evening of 20 May 2014, Smartisan press conference took place and T1debuted. The phone looks good with a price of 3,000 RMB for the 16G model and 3,150 RMB for the 32Gmodel. Meanwhile, Luo Yonghao announced that 1 million RMB from ticket receipts of the press conference would be donated to the Open SSL Foundation. After the conference ended, he said that what he did was only for earnest, not for winning or losing.
罗永浩说,因为很多人觉得锤子手机很 low,所以取了个高大上的英文名,Smartisan T1 将作为锤子科技的正式产品名称。另外,罗永浩在发布会上介绍称锤子科技接下来的产品命名还将延续 T1/T2/T3 这种命名规则,对此,发布会之前就有用户调侃称锤子科技产品命名和机场航站楼杠上了。
He also expressed that many people thought Smartisan was very low, that’s why he chose to give it such a fashionable English name. And Smartisan T1 will be the official name for the phone by Smartisan Technology. In addition, Luo Yonghao stated that next products by Smartisan Technology would adopt such names as T1/T2/T3. So, before the conference, some users said the names of Smartisan Technology products would collide with those of airport terminals with humor.
From: The Tmtpost
Translated by Ashley, CCJK Technologies Co.,Ltd.