这个世界上每天都有数以万计的人在排队等待器官移植,然而鲜活的人体器官总是供不应求。因此,科学家一直试图人培育出人体器官。然而这里却有个问题,肌肉组织培养起来很容易,不过怎样培育繁复庞杂的血管体系呢?今天,来自悉尼大学,哈佛大学,斯坦福大学和 MIT 的一些科学家便宣传他们用 3D 打印成功培养了人体的血管组织。
In each day, tens of thousands of patients all around the world are waiting for organ transplantation, but live body organs are in short supply. Therefore, scientists are trying to grow body organs all the time. However there exists a problem: the muscular tissue is easy to grow, but how to grow the complicated vascular system? Recently, scientists from the University of Sydney, Harvard, Stanford and MIT publicized the human vascular tissue they build with 3D printer.
这批科学家先用纤维 3D 打印出血管的构造,然后在纤维模型上培育血管的表皮细胞,最后将纤维溶解掉,从而让血管最终长成。不过目前该技术还在实验室阶段,培育一个器官的血管构造尚需数百名科学家的合作。
They 3D printed the vascular structures with fibers, grew epidermic cells of blood vessels on the fiber model and finally dissolve the fibers to grow up. However, the technology is confined to the laboratory and the building of vascular structures for an organ needs collaboration of hundreds of scientists.
尽管还不成熟,这已经是人工培育器官的一次重大进步。或许不远的未来我们便会看到利用 3D 打印培育的人体器官被用在医疗领域。
In spite of the immaturity, the technology is still a great improvement in artificial cultivation of organs. Perhaps in the near future, we will see the application of 3D-printed body organs in the medical field.
From: The 36Kr
Translated by Steve, CCJK Technologies Co.,Ltd.
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