As to the third sentence, the translation is totally wrong. The meaning of the sentence should be “他们的希望过了很长时间才消失。”, so the actual translation should be “有些人过了很长时间还抱有一线希望。”

Here are another examples for the word “Slowly.” See below:

He is slow of understanding.


He is so slow I have to explain everything three times.


I will be slow about accepting those terms.


Be slow to promise but quick to practice.


Actually there are extended meanings for the word “Slow”. For example: Slow season—淡季;”slow time” refers to “(与夏季时间相对的) 标准时间”; a tennis court with a slow surface—不利于跑动的网球场;a slow starter refers to “(拳击中) 开始时采取守势而后猛攻的选手。”

Another examples:

Business was rather slow last month.


The book is rather slow.


What a slow party it is.


He is slow at speech with women yet.


People usually translate the term “slow and steady wins the race” into “慢而稳者胜”. Actually the meaning for the word “slow ” is not “慢”, but “不慌张,沉着”. So the correct translation should be “沉着稳健者胜”。

In this term “go slow”, the word “slow” is adverbs. The meaning are “不慌,小心,怠工,懒惰”, besides “慢慢地走”. Let us look at an example: you had better go slow in reaching a conclusion. 最好不要急于下结论。And the phrase “go slowly” should be translated into “慢慢地走”

On the contrary, the Chinese word “慢” will be translated into “slow(ly)” in most case, but there are some exception. For example: “慢性病” is translated into “chronic disease”; “慢班” for school is translated into “adjustment class”; “慢件” has the meaning of “regular freight”. As to the sentence usually spoken to the guest after dinner “您慢走”, the translation should not be “please go slowly”, which sounds very strange. The appropriate translation should be “Take care”.

To sum up, we should choose the appropriate word after we get clear about the meanings according to the context. And we should not connect the English words with the Chinese word equally without the context. During looking up in a dictionary, we should also take a carefully look at all the meaning and select the right word for translation.