About client
Soft-World International Corporation is a major games distributor/developer in Taiwan, based in Taipei, Taiwan. Founded in 1983 and now public, Soft-World currently focuses on MMORPG operation in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Southeast Asia and is expanding globally.
If you are interested, you could pay a visit to their website for more information, here is the link: https://www.soft-world.com/index.htm
About the project:
As we all know, to many companies and corporations, the end of every financial year is the busiest time of period. Many of our clients might have some financial documents need to be translated into other languages.
Annual report is one of the most important documents a company publishes. It is known that an annual report is a comprehensive report on a company’s activities throughout the preceding year. Annual reports are intended to give shareholders and other interested people information about the company’s activities and financial performance from the start to the end of a year.
Most jurisdictions require companies to prepare and disclose annual reports, and many require the annual report to be filed at the company’s registry.
For a new challenging, we have been given an annual report of Soft-World International Corporation to translate from Taiwan Traditional Chinese into English.
CCJK Solutions:
CCJK offers translation services of the highest quality and prioritize our having available a broad range of qualified translators and proof-readers to handle this process fast and professionally. Our services are always available at short notice and provide our clients with the expertise of highly qualified and experienced translators who are particularly specialized in their business sector.
Moreover, we also apply the latest technologies, such as translation memory tools for long-term projects. Especially for the translation of annual report, which is not a stand-alone work and requires keeping consistency when compared with previous years’ reports to provide full insight into the finances.
After getting the report from the client in the pdf format, we separated the texts from pdf file and analyzed it accordingly. Then we assigned the job to the native translators with industrial experiences. By using veteran native translators, we could always ensure that the contents and context of financial message would never be lost during the process of translation, no matter what the languages are.
All our financial translators are experts in their industries, many of them have accountancy, MBAs or experience in financial consultancy. They understand the financial terms and discourse used in the documents.
Besides, to make sure of the highest translation accuracy, we assigned not only one translator, but at least 3 linguists to this translation project: we translated from scratch by a linguist, then passed the translated documents to another editor for reviewing, and finally to a 3rd proofreader for polishing.
About CCJK:
Founded in 2000 and born for Internet, CCJK is a highly trusted professional e-Services company supported by more than 2,000 talented linguists, engineers, designers and programmers who work as a super organized team. From language translation, desktop publishing, graphic design, software localization, website development, SEO, user guide to corporate eLearning, we provide one stop solution to help client gain competitive edge. We rely on streamlined and sophisticated process to ensure fast and quality delivery. By trusting CCJK’s one stop solution, you need only focus on your core business, win market share and maximize your profit in simplest and soonest way.
If you are interested, please contact me at grace.deng@ccjk.com for a free instant quote.