During this month I proofread some minor language projects, namely, the source language is non-Chinese and English, the target language is Chinese. Since I’m not familiar with the source language, so need to proofread the translation from the point view of the target language.
In order to do such work well, although lacking of the source language knowledge, while we can amend the translation from the following points.
1. To comply with Chinese saying
Since the translator who handled the minor language project might not be quite familiar with Chinese, so while translating the source language into Chinese, would choose inappropriate lexicon in the translation. As a proofreader, it is quite important to find out the inappropriate lexicon as possible as you can, and replace the inappropriate lexicon with the more appropriate one in the translation. Here take several examples for your reference.
(Original Translation) 时值春季来临,葡萄牙美食,也在迎合着一年四季的不同变化,而满足着不同口味的需要
(Amended Translation) 时值春季来临,葡萄牙美食,也在迎合一年四季的不同变化,以满足不同口味的需求
(Original Translation) 您可以在这家葡萄牙餐厅的菜单中找到传统的,最正宗的传统菜肴,尽享本餐厅向喜爱传统菜品的客户专门提供的美食。
(Amended Translation) 您可以在这家葡萄牙餐厅的菜单中找到最正宗的传统菜肴,尽享本餐厅向喜好传统菜肴的顾客专门提供的美食。
For the second example, to describe a person who eat something in the restaurant or dining hall, we usually call the person as ‘顾客’, not ‘客户’ in Chinese, and for the dish, we also usually call it as ‘菜肴’, not ‘菜品’, so make the translation smoothly, and need to make change to them.
2. Correct usage of certain lexicon
(Original Translation) 一头洋葱
(Amended Translation) 一个洋葱
To use the classifer ‘个’ is more appropriate here.
3. To keep the consistency in the translation
(Original Translation) 1.5 L 水
(Amended Translation) 1.5 升水
In the whole translation, the unit are all translated, however, just one is untranslated, so in order to keep consistency, it is necessary to translate it.
And we also need to apply Google Translation website to check if the source language is translated correctly into Chinese, namely, to use Google Translation website to transfer the source language into English, and review the translation from English.