如果你关注 iOS 生态圈里比特币的生存状况,一定不能错过苹果最新的 App Store 审核手册,手指滑到 11.17,兴奋了吗?没错,苹果终于放开比特币应用上架了。不少开发者已经组成了 “回潮大军”,继续未竟的事业。
If you are concerned about the living conditions of bitcoin in the iOS ecosystem, you can’t miss the latest Apple App Store Review Manual. Are you excited when sliding your finger to 11.17? Yes, Apple finally allows Bitcoin Apps to enter the App Store. Many developers have formed the “returning groups” to continue their unfinished business.
Coinpocket 是 “回潮儿” 中颇耀眼的一位,早先它只有 HTML5 版本,现在它化身为本地应用,还能调用 iPhone 摄像头进行 QR 码扫描。Coinpocket 主要提供基本的钱包功能,对于(已被下架的)Coinbase 和 Blockchain(下载数为 12 万)重度用户,以及那些渴望尝鲜的 “比特币初心者” 而言,这款应用足以能胜任虚拟货币钱包一角。
As one of the most excellent “returners”, after its previous HTML5 edition, Coinpocket now has transformed into a local application and it has access to an iPhone’s camera for QR code scanning. Coinpocket mainly provides basic wallet functions. For the heavy users of Coinbase (removed from the store) and Blockchain (downloaded for 120,000 times) and early users of bitcoin eager to experience something new, the app can play the role of the virtual currency wallet.
允许用户将私有密匙(private keys)扫进钱包,这可以方便你从别的钱包快速转移资金
能针对密匙生成 BIP38 加密版文件——但注意:有的用户反馈这个功能耗时略长
3 个不同的比特币现价信息源除了这一类软件
Let’s see what other functions it has:
Allowing the users to scan the private keys into the wallet – convenient for you to transfer funds from other wallets fast
Generating a BIP38 encrypted version of the private key – but please note that some users report this takes a long time
3 different sources for current bitcoin price information except for the apps in this category
还有的应用甚至允许用户在应用内使用比特币进行支付,比如 eGifter——你能直接用比特币买购物商场的礼品卡。
Some other apps even allow users to make in-app payments with bitcoin. For example, through the eGifter, you can buy the gift cards of the shopping malls directly with bitcoin.
如果你还拿不准苹果对于比特币应用的真实态度,不妨借鉴借鉴 Omri Cohen,他开发了第一款允许应用内比特币支付的软件 Betcoin,而初衷只有一条:测试苹果对待比特币应用和功能的底线。
If you are still uncertain about the real attitude of the Apple towards Bitcoin Apps, you can learn from Omri Cohen. He developed the Betcoin, the first app with in-app bitcoin payment, but he had only an original intention: to test Apple’s bottom line for the Bitcoin Apps and functions.
From: The 36Kr
Translated Ashley, CCJK Technologies Co.,Ltd.
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