
Many deaf-mutes are unable to communicate with others as a result of their disability, and they are lacking of social concern, which even could cause psychological problems.

MotionSavvy UNI 就是一款帮助聋哑人更好融入社会的设备,UNI 可以通过传感器识别人的手部动作,把用户做出的手语实时翻译成文字或语音,手语使用者只需要把设备放在面前,按平时一样用手语交流,机器就会同步念出用户要表达的意思,这样就能像正常人一样交流,解决了多数人难以与聋哑人交流的的问题了。

MotionSavvy UNI, a device to help signers more easily entry into society, can identify human’s sign language via a sensor,and translate the users’ sign language into text or voice. Signers just need to put this machine before them, communicating by sign language as usual, and then the machine will simultaneously read out the meaning the user intended to express. In this way, deaf-mutes are able to communicate with others as normal people, and it also solves the problem that many people are difficult to talk with deaf-mutes.

目前这款设备只有平板保护套的形态,适用于 Dell Venue 8 Pro Tablet 这款设备,但创业团队希望通过众筹,开发出更多适合移动终端系统使用的设备形态,帮助更大范围的残疾人。

At present this device only provides TabletCover form, adapting to Dell Venue 8 Pro Tablet, but startup team hope to develop more device forms suiting for mobile end system through crowdfunding,and to help a wider range of disabled people.

MotionSavvy UNI 正在 indiegogo 上进行众筹,beta 版预计 6-9 个月内可以出货。

MotionSavvy UNI is conducting a crowdfundingin in diegogo. The beta will be completed within six to nine months.


参考来源:数位时代 https://www.bnext.com.tw/article/view/id/34187

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