
“Since the “Tea Egg” event, such disputes between Taiwan and the Mainland never cease. I hope that the people from both can communicate with each other more, as all of us are Chinese and there are no unsolvable problems, aren’t there? “
——《大而话之》栏目在 Facebook 发表声明,澄清“大陆人买不起电脑”说法系“断章取义”。台湾网友@台北 101 表示。

——Taiwan netizen @台北 101 said as the program “TalkChina”made a statement on Facebook to clarify that the saying “Chinese mainlanders cannot afford computers ” is a deliberate misinterpretation out of context.


“Our employees should relax on holiday and not read work-related emails”

——德国汽车企业戴姆勒为其本国约 10 万名员工设置了度假期间电子邮件屏蔽的功能。戴姆勒负责人力资源的董事会成员维尔弗里德•波特表示。

——Wilfried Porth, board member for human resources, said. German carmaker Daimler has enabled about 100,000 to set incoming emails to auto-delete during vacation..

“苹果 iCloud 生产流量割接至中国电信云存储服务。”

“Apple: iCloud data of Chinese users will be stored in China Telecom servers
——多个不同渠道的信息显示中国电信的云服务将成为苹果公司在中国大陆地区唯一的云存储服务提供商,这也是苹果首次将 iCloud 数据正式存储在中国大陆地区。

——Information from various channels showed that China Telecom Cloud Service will become the only cloud storage service provider of Apple in China Mainland and this is the first for Apple to store iCloud data in China Mainland.


“We have invested big money to protect underwater optical cables, as sharks especially like to bite the them.”

——Google Cloud 团队的项目经理 Dan Belcher 表示 Google 在为其跨太平洋光缆包覆凯夫拉外层,以确保其能够 100% 防鲨咬。

——Dan Belcher, a Google cloud product manager, said Google is coating its trans-Pacific optical cables with Kevlar to prevent against shark attacks.

From: The Huxiu
Translated by Steve, CCJK Technologies Co.,Ltd.

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