(三)Implement of subject.

It is common in English that there are no subjects or obvious subjects, so we should add the subject in the translation accordingly.

1). 今年四月,我到广东从化温泉小住了几天。四周是山,环抱着一潭春水,那又浓又翠的景色,简直是一副青绿山水画。 刚去的当晚,是个阴天,偶尔倚着楼窗一望:奇怪啊,怎么楼前凭空涌起那么多黑黝黝的小山。

Last April I went to Conghua Hotspring for a few days’stay. The spring was encircled by hills, thick with greenery, a regular painting of blur hills and green waters. It was a cloudy evening when I arrived. I happened to look out the window and was surprised by the sight of dark little mounds outside the window.

In the source language, the language “是个阴天” is added the subject with “it” although there is no subject in English. Also, the subject “I” is added in the last sentence. Because it is people who can look out the window.

Read Also: Importance of queries in EN-CH translation

2). 门口有个人

There is a man at the door.

When we would like to express something in somewhere, we will use “there is ” to replace the meaning of “有”

3). 碰巧屋里没人

There happened to be none in the room

4). 今天风挺大

It is rather windy today.

For the above sentences, we select pronoun “it” as the subject, expressing the weather, time and distance.

5). “鸦片并不是我要吞服的,” 他挑战似的说:“那是人家硬要塞给我的。”

“It was not I that asked for the opium,” he said defiantly, “It was the others who insisted on giving it to me.”