Rules of work – be honest, modest and diligent

Possessing the qualities of diligence, conscientiousness and honesty.

Being eager and quick to learn, value the time and spend on the many worthy causes.

You practice what you preach, you walk your talk, but sometimes you need to take advice and to receive help from other people.

Say that you are slightly familiar with something, although you know everything about it …

Know something others don’t, be 100% committed .

Enjoy what you are doing and develop the right attitude .

Try to see things from the company management’s point of view .

Then take care of Rule # 1, take care of yourself !

Never let anybody know how hard you work and never ask for an extension of a deadline .

Never ask for help: never admit that you are out of your depth -you can ask for guidance’s advice, information, an opinion, but never for help .

Never moan or complain about how much work you have to do .

Learn to be assertive so you don’t get overloaded -this is not letting others know how hard you do work, but you don’t have to overdo it and overwork .

Never be seen to be breaking into a sweat .

Always look for ways to ease your work load -unnoticed of course -and ways to speed things up .