Nowadays, with the development of economy and culture communication, the term “Localization” has attracted more and more attention. Possibly we know something about “Localization”, but when we are asked what exactly Localization means, we may totally get lost. To avoid such embarrassment, we may need a systematic study on it.

Localization, the noun is derived from the verb “Localize” by which literally means:

1) To make local: decentralize and localize political authority.

2) To confine or restrict to a particular locality: localized the infection.

3) To attribute to a particular locality: sought to localize the origin of the rumor.

To become local, especially to become fixed in one area or part.

Read Also: Localization series NO. 2

From the above explanation, we can learn that Localization carries the meaning to make something or concept locally and live up to the local culture.

Localization can be understood as a process rather than an object. To be simpler, the process that one object makes changes to agree with the current environment it stays can be regarded as localization just like the saying goes “do as Romans when in Rome”.

The conception is widely used in varied industries, which is the reflection of modern marketing. All the business activities carried by the enterprises should emphasize the consumer rather than regard business preferences and habits as the criterion. The enterprise specification must change according to the regional styles.

The nature of “Localization” is a process in which the multinational corporation blends the manufacture, marketing, management, personnel etc to the host countries. As a usual practice, the corporation will take a survey in the host countries first.

By doing so, they will gain understanding on the local economy, culture and living habits for the regions and make changes accordingly to meet the preferences of the local people. Meanwhile, the survey will serve the multinational corporation to produce the products which satisfy the local consumers and save a considerate cost for the overseas operation and workers.

Also, this will benefit the host countries by reducing the sense of relying on foreign investment, thus enhance the economy security, increase employment opportunities, innovate the management and speed up the steps to grid with international society.