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About the advertising slogan translation

/ in Blog / by Grace
When a translator deals with the advertising slogan, it requires a wide range of knowledge of the source language and target language; he/she also needs to have profound understandings in…

Some opinions on subtitling translation IV

/ in Blog / by Grace
Some opinions on subtitling translation IV Finally, there are some situations in which we could find a specific method to deal with them properly, so some translators may find a…

Some opinions on subtitling translation III

/ in Blog / by Grace
The next method is called deletion. Here is an example: It’s a scene that A and B are in a coffee shop when a girl come in . The girl…

Some opinions on subtitling translation II

/ in Blog / by Grace
II The second method I’d like to introduce today is called Addition. I’d like to begin with an example: A: try to imagine what you would do if you were…

Some opinions on subtitling translation I

/ in Blog / by Grace
It is quite different to translate audiovisual products, like movies, TV programs, TV series,commercials, in compared with traditional ones like novels, business letters and legal documents etc. Besides,as the globalization…

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