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Hugo Boss EN-SCH, TCH, JP Case Study

/ in Blog / by Gigi.luo
About The Project The service is We are starting with the translation project “HUGO BOSS SOM Store Operations Manual” and the next chapter for HUGO BOSS: People Management. Client’s Requirements…

Research on keeping optimistic

/ in Blog / by Gigi.luo
Why are some people always optimistic? Even when faced with the bleak reality , some people are still able to keep optimism , a recent study might be able to…

SAP EN – 10 Asian Languages Case Study

/ in Blog / by Gigi.luo
About The Project The service is Translation into ZF,ZH,HI,IN,MA,JA,KO,TA,TH,VI for SAP Client's Requirements The job is again requested for chemical safety data sheets of SAP! NOTE: Project 7438 Please replace…

如何使用 Xbench 进行术语 QA

/ in Boke / by Gigi.luo
随着翻译行业的发展和客户要求的提高,专业服务日趋重要。而翻译中常见的问题就是译文的不一致性。通常我们可以使用 Xbench 来检查译文的不一致问题。而译文中的术语一致性亦非常重要。如果项目大,交期紧,客户要求具有高度一致性的译文,而我们分配给多个翻译,然后统一编辑,每位初译翻译思维不一样,用词肯定大有不同。而编辑在短时间内处理大项目,也无法保证编辑的术语能够完全一致。Xbench 则能让我们解决这个问题。如何进行术语 QA?步骤如下: 1. 编辑在翻译项目开始前,使用 Excel 列出项目常用术语(两列:a 列源语言,b 列译文)。在接到初译的第一批稿件后,就可开始使用 Xbench 来 QA。QA 前,先把术语表存为 txt 格式。打开 Excel 术语表,点击 Excel (2007 版为例)左上角的圆形图标 -> 点击“另存为”,出现如下对话框: 记住存 txt 格式术语表的位置,特别注意“保存格式”为“文本文件(制表符分隔)(*.txt)”。 2. 打开 Xbench,点击左上角菜单栏…

Understanding of HTML Semantization II

/ in Blog / by Gigi.luo
In the blog Understanding of HTML SemantizationI, I talked about the first reason why we should use semantization. Now I continue to discuss the following 2 reasons for using semantization…

Understanding of HTML Semantization I

/ in Blog / by Gigi.luo
"Semantization (语义化)", I think we have seen this word for a lot of times, especially in some of the recruitment advertisements. In fact, every time when I see them, I…

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