Adjectives could be used as attribute, predicative, complement and adverbial and there is some limitation for adjectives in English. However, there are not so many functions and limitations in Chinese adjectives. So we should pay attention to those adjectives and considering the Chinese words usage when handling English-Chinese translations.

Here I will illustrate 4 transfers when handling adjective translation.

(一) Adjectives —>Adjectives

1. An advanced, strong, prosperous, new Africa is sure to emerge in the world.


2. The warm weather has turned the fields green.


3. Cheerful, efficient and warm-hearted, they will do everything to make your journey smooth and comfortable.


4. That will make the work all the more difficult.


5. He has greater interest in novels than in poetry.


Read Also: Idiom Translation

(二) Adjectives—>Verbs

As to those adjectives that showing status of mind like angry, worry, astonished and knowing, it will be transferred into Verbs in Chinese.

1. Doctors said that they were not sure they could save his life.


2. Naturally the defeated soldiers were more concerned with saving their own lives than with taking ours.


3. Generally speaking, neither gold nor stone are soluble in water.


4. Cooper and gold were available long before man has discovered the way of getting metal from compound.


(三) Adjectives—>Nouns

When the adjectives are used to show a function or specialty, it will be treated as Nouns. See below examples:

1. He was fond of writing about the unusual.


2. They did their best to help the sick and the wounded.


3. The Wilde were religious.


4. On the contrary, bodies that are not very elastic do not tend to return to their original form.


(四) Adjectives—>Adverbs

As to those adjectives which are used to express degree, frequency or feeling, we should use the adverbs replacing adjectives in Chinese. See belows:

1. This is sheer nonsense.


2. It was a clear and unemotional exposition of the President’s reasons for willing to begin a Chinese-American dialogue.
