.Alternative approach of the causative sentences

(1)The subject followed with ‘--/--/--/--/--/--/--‘ will be changed as the correspond causative verbs.

  • 먹다 ㅡ먹이다 보다 – 보이다
  • 밝다 – 밝히다 앉다 ㅡ앉히다
    울다 ㅡ울리다 알다 – 알리다
    웃다 -웃기다 맡다 -맡기다
  • 쓰다 ㅡ 씌우다 서다 ㅡ 세우다
  • 돋다 ㅡ돋구다 돋다 – 돋구다
    낮다 ㅡ낮추다

(2)Verb followed with 하다/도록하다

높다 – 높게 하다
울다 – 울게 하다
가다 – 가게 하다

(3)’시키다‘will instead of 하다” and become the causative verbs.

일을 하다. -일을 시키다.

운동을 하다. – 운동을 시키다.


발전하다. – 발전시키다.

감동하다. – 감동시키다.

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.The meaning of causative express

1When the subject is making somebody else to do something with him or her.
(1)Compellent. For example:

경찰들은 손에 총을 든 강도놈을 죽이였다. The policeman killed the bandit, who kept a gun in his hand。

중국인민은 침략자들의 무력침범을 파탄시켰다. The Chinese people defeated aggressors’ armed attack.

(2)Helpful. For example:

간호원은 부상병을 조심스레 눕혔다. The nurse helped the wounded to lay down carefully.
(2)The subject orders others to do something, and he or she doesnt do with them.For example:

선생님은 학생들을 잠간 쉬웠다. Teacher let students have a rest.

주임님은 우리들에게 전란회를 관람시켰다. Our director let us attend the show.

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(3)To express what the subject doesnt want to happened. For example:

하마트면 배를 침몰시킬 번했소. I nearly sank the ship.

그렇게 불조심을 하지 않다가는 집을 다 태우겠소. If you aren’t careful like that, you will burn our house up.

또 옷에 흙을 묻혔구나. Clothes were stained with mud, again.

. The basic structures of causative sentences are as follows:

(1)The subject (which is the director) – indirect object를(을) (which is not only accept the director’s order, but also the actor of the predicate verbal- predicate( The causative form of intransitive verb).

선생님는 학생을 의자에 앉혔다. Teachers let students sit down in chairs.
우리는 민족전통문화를 발전시킨다. We develop the traditional culture of our nationality.
경찰은 차를 멎게 했다. The policemen let the car stop.

(2)The subject ( who is the director of the action)-indirect object 가(이)(who is not only the taker of the order, but also the subject of action)-predicate ( intransitive verbs’ “게 하다”、“도록 하다”form).

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준호씨, 그 사람이 오게 하세요. Junho, Please let that people come here.
경찰은 차를 멎게 했다. The policemen let the car stop.

In this kind of sentence, if the predicate is a transitive verb with the form of “게(도록) 하다”, so there need to be a direct object behind it. For example:

할아버지는 손자가 신문을 읽게 했다. Grandfather let his grandson read news.
This kind of sentence also can quote another expression form.For example:

준호씨, 그 사람이 오게 하세요. Junho, Please let that people come here.
할아버지는 손자가 신문을 읽게 했다.Grandfather let his grandson read news.

(3)The subject ( who is the director of the action)-indirect object 가(이)(who is not only the taker of the order, but also the subject of action)-predicate ( intransitive verbs’ “게 하다”、“도록 하다”form).

선생님, 저로 하여금 책임지게 하세요. Teacher, please let me take care of it.

In this kind of sentences, if the predicate is an intransitive verb with the form of “게(도록) 하다”, then there need to be a direct object.

(4)The subject ( who is the director of the action)-indirect object에게、에、한테(who is not only the taker of the order, but also the subject of action)-direct object(who will take action directly)-(The causative form of intransitive verb)now, there will the the Objet suffix “에게”、“에”、“한테”behind the indirect object. For example:

선생님은 학생들에게 책을 읽혔다. The teacher let students read books.
어머니는 어린아이한테 젖을 먹인다. The mother nurses her baby.

선생님은 우리들에게 글을 잘 쓰도록 하였다. The teacher makes us write carefully.


1.“게 하다”、“도록 하다”usually be used to express that the subject just make the object to take tha action, he/she won’t take part in the action. For example:

기사장은 노동자들에게 새 기계를 만들게 하였다.The head engineer let the workers manufacture new machines.
공장책임자는 그들로 하여금 우리 공장을 견학하게 하였다.Our boss let them look around with our factory.

선생님은 학생들에게 본문을 량송시켰다.(량송하게 했다)Teacher let students read books.

아바이의 말씀은 젊은이들을 감동시켰다.(감동하게 했다)The uncle’s words makes the young people feel touched.
대장은 우리들을 10분동안 쉬웠다.(쉬게 하였다) Our team leader let us have a rest in 10 minutes.