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Try to Make a Good Website

/ in Blog / by Kris
Try to Make a Good Website Good websites share something in common that nearly all of them can give people a strong impression at the first sight. Having a fine…


/ in Boke / by Kris
经过几个月的学习,我现将我了解的SEO策略与大家分享。 SEO策略主要涉及一下几个方面: SEO quake Diagnosis SEO keyword Density SEO评定参数 PR值 Sitemap 用好SEOquake Diagnosis这个工具,每一个部分都可以点击左侧的Show Advice,利用它提供的建议,尝试将×的部分都变为√。 SEO辅助工具一般都有Density检查工具,点击进入之后查看各种关键词的密度,密度并不是越高越好,次级网页趋近1是最好的,一级网页没有过分要求,一般低于5。关键词的密度可以参考translation usa上的关键词密度。一般2-word keyword table以上的数据更为重要。 单个关键词的密度很难以推上去,但是推3个到5个的词组更容易获得靠前的排名,比如translation可能推的难度非常大,但是professional translation solution就会简单一些,谷歌搜索先按准确关键词排名,之后的也会罗列出模糊关键词排名。 网站的构架方面,其实静态与动态都是必要的,静态搜索引擎友好是事实,动态能给网站带来更大的流量更新,Blog和News的设立显得十分必要。 想提升网站排名,光靠SEO策略是显然不够的,公司的书籍上都是写如何靠策略SEO,其实SEO的本质就是要了解SEO的评定,那些才是最重要的,其他的SEO策略做了可能也不明显,以下是我在搜索引擎上摘录的一些网站评定因素: 正面因素 排名 得分 分类 详细说明 1 4.9…

Differences between Localization and Translation

/ in Blog / by Kris
Differences between Localization and Translation Generally speaking, Translation is the process of converting words or text from one language to another. An accurate translation is not a simple word-for-word swap…

Why should you make a sitemap for your website?

/ in Blog / by Kris
Creating a new website can be a great task and it becomes even more complicated by the volume of information which sometimes needs to be organized and incorporated. Every website…

Can an iPad replace your laptop?

/ in Blog / by Kris
Two short years, from 2010 to 2012, has witness the great success of this device. It has gone from a curiosity to a household name. IPad, a creative and wonderful…

iOS app Translation & Localization

/ in Blog / by Kris
Why you need to translate and localize your ios application? Until 2011, the world has realized that the former CEO of Apple, Steeve Jobs, made one of the most amazing…

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