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A Feminist Reading of Beloved(2)

/ in Blog / by Jenny.Zeng
In Beloved, the schoolteacher is a typical slaveholder. The scholar Chen guifeng said, “The schoolteacher, who is cruel and brutal, allows his nephews to conduct a pseudo-scientific study on the…

A Feminist Reading of Beloved (1)

/ in Blog / by Jenny.Zeng
The racial oppression is a persistent concern in USA. Racial discrimination hurts people’s emotions, strips of their rights and twists their characters. American white people think African culture isn't advanced.…

Sexual Discrimination in Beloved

/ in Blog / by Jenny.Zeng
“Everybody has his liberty and right.” But female was always inferior to male. For instance, wives did all the housework. It was regarded as their obligation to do it. They…

I love Beloved

/ in Blog / by Jenny.Zeng
Toni Morrison is a popular woman writer in America. Beloved is a milestone in the history of African-American literature. Black women and their maternal love are her major concerns and…


/ in Boke / by Jenny.Zeng
翻译行业是个充分市场化了的行业,翻译公司翻译价格与翻译价值基本对等。翻译价值的高低与人力成本的投入和经营管理的水平成正比。 目前翻译公司翻译基本还是纯人工活,翻译公司软件主要作为质量管理的辅助工具,翻译作品还是局限于译员个人以及翻译公司译员团队的速度。质量的优劣与投入的人力资源多少和管理水平高低直接成正比,因此,质量要求越高,成本也越大,翻译费用也就必然越多。 1.ISO的质量体系 ISO的质量体系是一个比较general的质量管理体系,适用于很多行业。一般一些好的翻译公司,会参考ISO9001质量管理体系。 国际上比较认可的Translation-quality standards是欧洲的EN 15038。 美国有一个ASTM F2575-06 Standard Guide for Quality Assurance in Translation。 中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T 19363.1—2003 2.面对加急项目 一般来说,只要能分配好任务,管理好译员,统一好术语,做好统稿校对工作,一般的公司都有能力提供加急服务。 问题是,慢工出细活。如果客户对译文的品质要求比较高,尽量别选择加急,尽量争取多留些时间。 3.错误率 一般的翻译公司对于错译率的计算是:同一个错误,不管出现多少次,都只算一个错误。有的翻译公司这样计算:同一个错误,出现5次折合成一个错误。 问题在于,如果错译的只是无关紧要的词汇,错译率即使高达千分之十,客户也是可以接受的。但是如果错译的是关键词汇,即使是千分之一、万分之一的错译,也是要命的。

Translation Criteria of Business Contracts

/ in Blog / by Jenny.Zeng
1. Accuracy and Faithfulness: Contract English is unlike other English, in which the lexis used is formal and the structure is tight. A contract, as a legal trading agreement, is…

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