由于移动互联网终端屏幕大小的限制,特别是移动互联网用户体验习惯的养成,传统的 PC 互联网时代的展示类广告,特别是广告和内容严格区分的广告形式,一方面因为广告占据屏幕影响用户体验,另外一方面又因为广告插入导致用户体验流畅性的被打破,带来的必然是产品用户体验质量下降,必然反过来影响这个产品的用户喜好度。

Limititation of the mobile screen size, Users’ terminal and particularly usage habits, traditional display advertisings in PC Internet era, especially those have a strict distinction between advertisings and contents, all these have reduced the experience quality of users greatly from two points: on one hand, advertising occupies the screen and affects user experience, and on the other hand, advertising directly influences the fluency of user experience. As a result, these will affect users’ preference inevitably.


In the future, based on the innate characteristics of mobile Internet, the advertising on mobile terminals will be directly integrated into contents. Display advertising that occupies screen space, pop-up advertising that influences user experience, or text link advertising that is against optimization will not be used then.

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As an important role in social culture communication, advertising has constantly made progress with the development of the Internet industry. The progress process of advertising has shown diversified characteristics: from simple information at the beginning to creative advertising, from text advertising to graph and media type, from direct tangible information communication to the intangible values, from simultaneous communication with separated advertising to the integrating one.


Nowadays, advertising on the video sites are presented simply and purposely. Almost all of these are pre-movie adverts, showing the communication model where advertising is separated from content, which is similar to the record model. Though criticized, this modular mode makes it convenient to combine advertising with content freely and is popular in main video websites, since content production and advertising presentation in this model are respectively subject to content producers and operators, which will inevitably lead to a natural separation between advertising and content.

或许未来视频自媒体的发展,更多的 UGC 视频内容的生产,亦将改变视频网站当前的商业模式根基。

Perhaps the development of we media and more UGC video content in the future would change the foundation of current video site model.

From : The tmtpost

Translated by Ashley, CCJK Technologies Co.,Ltd.

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